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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Sheeque

  1. Sources : #1 #2 #3 Ingame Char : Sheeque Btw , this is pegasus right or is it a unicorn ? :-/ or is unicorn a greek myth too :-O Edit ( Added Ingame Char )
  2. Okay , tq :-)
  3. am i allowed to work on the same characters as what theyve chosen ??
  4. dang i lost . hahah , congrats to the winners :-x
  5. welcome to the server yo ;-) & idk much about what youre asking . sooo i might give you the wrong info , imma let the pros comment for that yeah :-D hope to see you ingame :-x
  6. Sheeque

    Buying -

    Tokens [ 25mil ] Grapes [ 500:2 ] High Wizard Elite Staff [ 15 ] x3Tao + x2Kiel [ 35ea ] Farmor Fcloak Fshield [ 90ea ] Red Necro Hood [ 100 ] Red Loli Hat [ 100 ] Black Loli Hat [ 100 ]
  7. Updated ~ added cards , equipments , headgears . sold tao gunka .
  8. Sheeque

    Hello All

    Hiyaa , see you ingame <3
  9. Sheeque


    Heeeya !! see you ingame ;-)
  10. a sunday's playlist always be my baby - mariah carey enjoy ;-)
  11. Fsoldier Card Sold . Bumped -
  12. 1133
  13. Som why did you quit :-/

  14. Sheeque

    Perry C

    Hi .
  15. FSoldier Card , 65 . Fparts Sold , No deal for the rest of the offer . BUMPED SEXIES .
  16. I Second tezuka . Tq GMs for helping me :-)

  17. Renewed . Always online now so if youd like to offer , pm me ingame . Sheeque / Angeology
  18. Sheeque

    Hi There.

    Hey Mei . nice siggy @ Sotw #45 . Welcome to the server :-x See You ingame ~
  19. Thanks man :-)

  20. Lawl :-))) gtfo xD
  21. Sheeque

    Hi To All

    Hi . im from phili :-D Musta , heh .
  22. Sheeque


    Yes pls . I wanna see champ using ROP , because ROP is one of the attractive aura there is . :D
  23. Sources : [ #1 ] [ #2 ] Ingame : Sheeque
  24. dangggg i dint even knooow >__< + Sec :-< *remaking entry*
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