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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Noir

  1. I feel like I'm being stalked by someone....

  2. Happy birthday <3

  3. Noir

    Hello People

    Welcome to ForsakenRO Earl :] I hope you'll enjoy your stay with us!
  4. Noir

    Count To 3,000! ;d

  5. Very very nice update, it's great to see some new quests, I hope you guys will enjoy it :D I really adore the website, blue winged porings are so cute and the background picture is amazing! I love it, awesome job (: ♥ Forum version is absolutely stunning, and it'll be fun to read what's on your minds :P. Have fun with new quests guys, best of luck in finding NPCs, you can do it!
  6. Noir


    Welcome to the server :]!
  7. Noir


    Welcome to ForsakenRO :3!
  8. Noir

    Hey, I'm Alex.

    Hello and welcome to ForsakenRO (: If you have any questions about the server or any kind of problems you can use Support Section and ask your co-players. We have a Ticket System if you want to talk over your issues with Game Masters only! If you have any problems/questions ingame itself, feel free to @request for Gamemasters or just ask around fcity (@go 25), there're many players which are willing to help you. Enjoy your stay (:!
  9. Noir

    Sephiroth Here

    Hello, welcome to ForsakenRO (: If you have any questions about the server itself or any kind of problems you can use Support Section and ask your co-players. There's a Ticket System if you want to talk over your issues with Game Masters only, also (: If you have any problems/questions ingame itself, feel free to @request for a GM or just ask around fcity (@go 25), there're many players which are willing to help you. I hope you're going to have a great time here!
  10. Oh, why thank you ♥

  11. Noir

    Hey Guy's

    Welcome to fRO :3! I hope you'll have a great time here (:!
  12. Let's be friends! :D

    Lol! Hi (:!

  13. Noir

    Happy birthday, you, who stalk people ♥

  14. Noir

    Phantom Here

    Hello, Martin, welcome to ForsakenRO. I hope you will enjoy your stay here! Oh, and can I get a cookie ;D?
  15. Hello, welcome to ForsakenRO (: If you have any questions about the server itself or any kind of problems you can use Support Section and ask! There's a Ticket System if you want to talk over your issues with Game Masters only, also (: If you have any problems/questions ingame itself, feel free to @request for a GM or just ask around fcity (@go 25), there're many players which are willing to help you. I hope you're going to have a great time here!
  16. Welcome aboard, Determination (:!

  17. Welcome to the team ♥

  18. Noir

    Awts ♥

    Thank you Rune! xD

    I'll smile more ;3

  19. Pink or white, you'll always be sexy ♥

  20. Noir

    Forsakenro Emails

    I think I have you all on my list. (: Still need to be added to - Azrael - Miracle - Outlaw - Miku
  21. Noir

    I'll keep that in mind :D

  22. Goodluck to every one of you, I'm looking forward to see some newheads in our team! (:
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