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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Noir

  1. Noir

    Me what ! <3

  2. Noir

    *recalls* :P

  3. Noir

    Weird or not, you're still sexy.

    Have fun at work! :)

  4. Noir

    Hey Duolc.. uhh.. this sounds... weird.

  5. Noir

    OMG.. you're back?

    well.. wb~! <3

  6. waitwaitwait... how I became your grandma? o-o xD

  7. Hahaha, ofcourse not.

    Hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi son <3

    Thanks for the card, you made my day brighter <3 <3

    We miss you! ;[

  8. Lol nope! Wanna fight? /gg <3

  9. Awwww, that's so nice! Your comment made me smile :]! And french is a beautiful language, I hope you enjoy learning it! :3

  10. I don't wish! I know :P <3

  11. No way.! Mine's alot more cuter >;D!

  12. Oh, newheads again :D! Don't forget, you have one full week to fill your application, so don't rush with anything! Also, think twice before applying - May's comming, and for some of you that's the month when finals and school is pushing to the edge of your powers and because of that, you might not be able to be active that much. I'll be looking forwad to see new people.~ Goodluck to all applicants <3
  13. Hey, it's simple and nice. How can page not be beautiful that way? :3

  14. Noir

    Tu nous manques ):

    I hope everything's going well for you. <3

  15. No problem, thank you, and you take care, too !

  16. Aww, don't be worried, I'm fine :D

    And thank you ! Your page is also nice, still (:

  17. Hi, :]

    Welcome on forums !

  18. Ohgod, did I forget to reply to you? If I did, I'm so sorry, I thought I replied :(. Things are going on pretty well, it could be better, but it's fine like that also xD;

  19. Noir

    Ra Ra Ah Ah Ah

    I see Lady Gaga on our server ;o xD Well anyway, welcome to ForsakenRO server & forums, I hope you're going to enjoy your stay (: !
  20. Hello, Kiba :3 Since - Edelweiss - is doing a great job directing all our newcomers, all what's left to say is;I hope you'll enjoy your stay with us :D!
  21. Noir

    Konichiwa Forsakenro

    Here's a Hello from me too! :D Enjoy your stay with us (:
  22. Noir

    Hi Everyone:d

    Hello and welcome to ForsakenRO. I think they've already given you all information you need. So, I'm just going to say enjoy your stay with us! (:
  23. Noir

    That comment made me smile x3!

    Your GM would be hotter than me though :P.

    Thank you, Ily too! <3

  24. Noir


    Hello, and welcome to ForsakenRO! I think they already gave you directions if you need any questions. So I'm going to just wish you good luck and most important; have fun!
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