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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Amicable

  1. 38
  2. Damn.....I forgot who got me addicted to this song <3 Got to love cowboys :P
  3. q_q What?! 17 EWW ODD NUMBER YUCKY
  4. 8) Love the update!

    1. Genesis


      Thanks! We worked hard on it!

  5. :D~ Again with this song heh [media=] [/media]
  6. :D Sweet~ Awesome~!
  7. Listening to Pandora and this was on
  8. IM BACK Q_Q 2628 D:< Nice Siggy ^ and Lyris D:< WHERES UR DIVISBLE AT NOW!!! Q_Q
  9. 2595 D:< NOW ITS MY TURN and Hi Levis ;]
  10. On facebook and twitter and forsaken at school....Lol I guess someone put a virus so we can go on anything 8)!

  11. On facebook and twitter and forsaken at school....Lol I guess someone put a virus so we can go on anything 8)!

  12. Just love this song out of ALL his songs~
  13. 2587
  14. Damnit, No Barber's open on Sundays >.> smh....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. coffee break

      coffee break

      cutting your own hair.. thats great

    3. Cerise


      Gimme a fork. I can cut it for you. :]

    4. Amicable


      LOL a fork xD! and yeah cutting my hair alone is great ;] but.....its hard to do the back >.>

  15. 1 month ago O.o
  16. Cookiezzzz, its like that because some people didn't post a number :o and what not anyways~ 2584
  17. ^ I have to agree.... -1 Besides there should ALWAYS BE 1 weakness to everything :[
  18. Not getting tired of this song
  19. 2581
  20. OOOOOH Chinese version 8)
  21. 2577
  22. 2573
  23. Yeah, I have to agree +1
  24. Amicable

    Hi Forum!

    Welcome back to Fro, Yuki! :D Hope to see you ingame!
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