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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Amicable

  1. 1316
  2. 524 525 526 527 528 529 530! Can't fit all the errors but Me: 538
  3. Here you go ;) TPBM won't give me a virtual hug.
  4. Wtf are those....ugh HBO? Cologne or Perfume.
  5. I seriously want to help the newbies ._. BUT school comes first.....*sobs in the corner*

  6. O.o Back to the topic, yeah this is a great suggestion :) Although I would love to see someone post a pic or creation of this new helm :P +1
  7. I just love you [GM]Wish ;) BFF!
  8. 1303
  9. 503
  10. Granted, but your client crashes so you had to download the All-In-One download again. :( I wish I could play FRO again.
  11. UGH, tough one >.>.........sister? O.O Dog or Cat.
  12. True. :o? TPBM is ingame, at this moment.
  13. Take That - Rule The World ;)
  14. Wow triple post Sorry....laggy >.>
  15. Granted, but it was actually a fake tail and to wag it you would have to shake ur body like crazy. :( I wish I had wings! 8D
  16. Granted, but it was actually a fake tail and to wag it you would have to shake ur body like crazy. :( I wish I had wings! 8D
  17. True. ;) TPBM is new to this server. :o
  18. ( ´・‿-) ~ ☆ Hot Cheetos or Fritos :o
  19. 488
  20. 1289
  21. Why did that special person have to go to a different school :(....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. coffee break
    3. Rayray


      distance shouldn't matter that much, but it would be hard. I feel ya man :(

    4. Fantasia
  22. 477
  23. 1280
  24. Smile :o (^ I saw this on a different forum lol interesting) Giggle or Muahahaha
  25. FLY IN THE AIR! Invisibility or Travel in Time.
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