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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Rinn

  1. Men who violate women are some of the most disgusting people on the planet next to people who molest children. That's why I took a few years of martial arts classes, so in the event something like that happens to me, I can kick the guy's teeth from the inside out (if you know what I mean haha). I'm glad you're (relatively) alright and nothing worse happened to you. He'll get what's coming to him sooner or later. Karma's a bitch that way.
  2. Rinn

    Dear Diary.

    Dear Diary, I actually have some peace and quiet, now that my son has actually gone down for a nap. Of course, now that he's sleeping I have nothing to do. F*ck. (End)
  3. Rinnyxx - My name is Erin. Friends nicked me "Rin" in school, so it stuck. Nyx is the Goddess of Night and Mother of the Fates. She's one of my favorite Greek Goddesses. Rin + Nyx = Rinnyxx Alcoholic Cupcake - From a night when my boyfriend and I got incredibly drunk and made cupcakes. Also happens to be my band's name O: (Alcoholic Cupcakes)
  4. Rinn

    This or that

    Both Rap or Hip Hop
  5. "I Feel Like A Monster" - Skillet
  6. Rinn

    This or that

    I don't have a dick and my grandmothers are both deceased, so BJ is out. I rather take anal from my non-existent uncle. Fisting from your mother or rim job from your dad? (since we're on this track of disturbing incestuous this or that's)
  7. Rinn

    O Hai Thar

    Welcome ♥
  8. Rinn


    When I get hiccups, I've always found that this trick works: Get a glass of water and take a deep breath. While holding your breath, drink as much of the water as you can (without making yourself pass out from lack of oxygen, mind you). Let the air out slowly through your nose, counting to 10. Your hiccups should be gone. If not, try again.
  9. Rinn

    This or that

    FUCK WAL*MART !!!D< Wal*Mart is the white trash capital of America. Well.. malls aren't much better. They're full of snooty preppy bitches who think that a $300 bag is going to get them some dick. Take the $300 and buy yourself a clue and some clothes, you skanks. Crazy or sane?
  10. Granted, but only for a day, and then you will be molested by Jigglypuff and become irrevocably insane and thus institutionalized for the remainder of your life until you commit suicide with a plastic spork. I wish for people to not know my last name >>;
  11. Rinn

    This or that

    (>*.*)> infatuated hugs? The Body Shop or Bath and Body Works?
  12. Granted, but a rabid leprechaun will stab you with it. I wish I could think of something to wish for that's non-corruptible and something useful.
  13. Not really. TPBM is a narcissist.
  14. Rinn

    This or that

    * it's a star :) :D or :)
  15. If you wish for a period, then there's nothing for me to really corrupt. Periods suck. I wish for not a .
  16. Does Guitar Hero count? TPBM has a dark secret that would ruin them if I told everyone on the server about
  17. Rinn

    Anyone Here....

    I guess I could give it a try. Depends on what you're looking for.
  18. Welcome to fRO and great job with the sprites. Valkyrie Randgris is my favorite MVP, so it's cool to see recolored versions of her.
  19. Ehh... I like you, but I wouldn't go that far (keep in mind, I'm practically married, hun) TPBM is going to cry themselves to sleep over my answer O:
  20. Rinn

    This or that

    ? because they're all squiggly lookin % or #
  21. Rinn

    Classist Bastards

    my IGN is Alcoholic Cupcake
  22. I think what he meant by find a girl, is actually find a girl on the server to marry. If that's the case, as amusing as it is, that gives me an idea for another fun event. The Dating Game - fRO style~!
  23. Rinn

    This or that

    Mario Kart, n00b D< j/k SNES Mario Kart or Wii Mario Kart?
  24. If you're new, check this out: http://mezri.exit2nexus.com/affihelp.html I found it pretty helpful myself.
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