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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Icon

  1. Icon

    hey hey

    grow up people ... stop spamming peoples threads with bs introduction thread hello ! Welcome to fRO and the forums .... ( thats all you should say unless answering questions )
  2. Icon


    spammage ... back on topic ... those bows are crappy unless you want to what your hitting to keep moving and you really like curse shame shame RO you can do better /rice
  3. Icon

    Time to break free

    sounds like a new world order may be emerging .... if you dont mind guild hoppers count me in /heh but i dont have patience for training and practice and guild events or guild speeches or most things that require teamwork or paying attention to others ... 1 thing i can do is smash the hell outta my buttons 'til something dies xoxo /lv
  4. Icon

    WoE Ideas.

    what i meant by disabling the @warp was just on the _gld maps so you cant warp in right on top of the entrance warp to the castle ... kinda cheap even tho i do it myself EDIT: it would make people have to rely on either walking there or warping thru the priests like in the old days /gg
  5. Icon

    WoE Ideas.

    what would make me come back and woe regularly .... GOD ITEMS (mjolnir , slepnir , etc....) they arent that godly but i'd love to have a new pair of slep's INCENTIVE (castle drops) castle drops really f'n suck around here being that its HR server uuuuh i got flapping wings that dont really do much flapping ... not much incentive there ... but then again the only person getting the drops would be the guild leaders and normally they're already overpowered, so scratch that idea BERRY DEATH (.1% chance of coma) that takes care of your berries spamming chumps and the emp breakers .. this idea has been shot down only because people hate dying .. should REALLY consider it GEN MORE CASTLES (remember last time) this will not work for long .. last time there was more than one castle open .. the leading guild held both .. only person that could break em for 2-3 weeks was patchworks .... ALTHOUGH more people will woe ... this time when u open a new castle you should BROADCAST it to the whole server and not just the forumers .. if you looking for woe population boost this is the BEST IDEA DISABLE WARP (hehehehe) make all these people walk to the castle .. not being able to warp seconds away from the emp room (it only takes 10~20 seconds to walk to emp from outside the castle) would make it more difficult for the bigger guilds to regroup and attack the way we do, adding a little confusion because i know alot of people that DONT know how to get to the castle /lol lost my train of thought .... ill be back
  6. Icon

    Uh oh..

    .. just frickin lovely .. :D welcome back rach
  7. Icon

    hello ppl

    I think both of you need to hurry and come back ... its pretty boring not having seek and destroy around ... :D
  8. Icon

    Your top 10 KoS list

    best list ! DAMN hippies
  9. no ... strength belt weighs 800
  10. Icon

    Your top 10 KoS list

    HAHA @ that ^^^ my favorite KoS ... 1. tuer!!! (has it out for everyone but i always seem to be the first to be randomed) 1. any wiz that walks into PvP (if im on my wiz that is) 1. any sniper that walks into PvP (cuz im a dik) 1. any LK that walks into PvP (cuz im an ass) 1. a certain guild and all of its mates (i luv em all just dont like the emblem so they must die) 1. ooo ya ... that one wiz ,you know who you are (the first person i caught kill feeding, rez killing) 1. if i've never seen you in PvP before i will attempt to KoS you 2.-10. not really sure i love every1 WS rulz !
  11. Icon


    ALMOST every guild on fRO is a decent guild ive been in many guilds and not had any problems with any of the people just some of the guilds stay too long and others die off too fast /heh EDIT :: WELCOME to fRO and the forums !!!
  12. i didn't read the entire thread just the first and last few .... STR belts ... they weigh, what was it 600lbs? leaving you ALOT less room for healing items FBH ........... each one cuts ur SP in half My point :: with dual str belts and dual fbh you're left with less berries to hold (because ur str belts weigh so much) if you're lucky you have 400 SP which leaves you just enough to use all your sin buffs and back slide twice before you start ygg'n if you're wearing GTB your buffs cost you even more SP..... so i have to ygg twice just to prepare for battle OR stand next to healer in lutie buff myself then warp as fast as i can to fcity then into pvp :P YES sins need SP .. edp costs sp, poison react costs sp, enchant poison costs sp, backslide costs sp /duh
  13. you have my persmission to quit if you feel so inclinded BUT you still have to forum with us gas sux .... i live in oklahoma and gas has never gone above $3/gal. til this last year ... its a pain in the ass ... do you mean they buy thana from server for 150? or they spend 150 for qpons to buy thana? ... i dont think you should be allowed to buy thana straight from server if thats what you meant. you'll be missed ... tell me where you're headed in pm's maybe i'll bump into you there /gg
  14. Icon


    YAY even more changes /slur (sarcasm)
  15. started on iRO, paying to play /hiss found a wonderful invention called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ used it too many times, got 1 of my many accounts banned .... teehee GM's were ignorant but not completely lacking sense, threatened my other accounts.... so i quit. server hop'd a few times found quite a few good servers ..... and they all shutdown ... 1 shutdown a week after some1 invited me to it LOL tried aRO it was awesome until the main admin/GM fell ill and something happened .. other GM's took over ran it into the ground ,imo AND THEN i remembered that wonderful invention (ONLY TO BE USED ON LOW RATE SERVERS) <--LOL put it to use on (omit)RO lol got banned but i only played there cuz Double Blades Of Fury(mike) wanted me to do his dirty work and then another server that fell under.. qRO :( .. i liked that one ... FINALLY mike found ForbiddenRO lol at least thats what i called it before i saw/heard about ForsakenRO (WTF, i said, isn't this forbiddenRO? .... stupid noob its both /geez) loved the rate loved the pvp action LOVED the PK aspect LOVED that GTB worked the way it was intended ( hmm alot of past tense ... o well i'll edit it later ) and then after all the shit mike went thru to get me here and play, he quit /heh
  16. Icon

    I Quit.

    I don't know what it is about you but I liked you from the first time I ATTEMPTED to random you in PvP. /heh I promise that I'll try daily to crack your account. Best wishes and junk .... :D
  17. One of my favorite music videos of all time is that Pearl Jam video thats done all in anime style ..... Reason being, there's a part of the video where it's raining lawyers. SWEEEET ! Another one would be , Tribute by Tenacious D (Jack Black and Kyle Gass)
  18. Okay, this is one of my first so be nice and please don't mind the demo in the middle i haven't registered it yet. Black Mage FTW !!!!!
  19. Thanks guys n gals ..... HAHA dont have to save as .png now :P .gifs coming soon /gg
  20. this is the first one i took my time with criticize if you please
  21. Flaming Lips -- Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots pt. 1 & 2
  22. Icon

    wow hi

    Welcome to fRO and the forums !
  23. Icon

    S> A shit load

    i'll take both auras
  24. Ya, Thiago is good at any class he plays .. He might be killable but he's nowhere near an ez kill ..
  25. Okay .... Saki and I dueled ... she won 3-0 But I'm still gonna claim that I am the best :P I'm not admitting defeat yet ... best 51 out of 100! It's so much easier to fend off sins and LKs than it is to take on a wiz of equal power. Maybe next time /gg
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