i know old players work hard for get the gears, but we work hard in big guilds time ago when many players was active and with alot of GL very kinds supporting to all the new guildmates of his guild.
Like many of u guys i start from 0 making basic quest and alot of things for get better gears but u reach a moment when u need more than just quest for be competitive, u need someone giving u better drops or tokens specialy since now like u guys say no one sell or buy too much.
Beside there no too much players in this moment with the enought drop power or token power for supply more new players and supporting until they get better things, bcoz the mostly rich players gone of fro without give noting of the all 100000000kkkkkkkkkk they had it in tokens or drop, so if the most rich guys dont help the new players then they never going to reach a competitive level or is gonna take them like 1 or 2 years with the level of sell/buy we have.
when i say rich guys help new, i dont wana say hey must give free thing t new players, but at least let them join to guilds and giving them prize for play for them and be part of the guild no jus giving them seed or berrys, the need give them too drops of woe, bcoz many GL just give seed and berrys to the guildmates and never give drops. too much greed