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Everything posted by gurkak

  1. OMG!!!! O.O u stolen ma heart baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! married me!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am a phisical education teacher i make alot of sport and keep me very healthy. ma speciality is work with people of the 3 age or old people like u wish. ^^
  2. Yukumaru Herlove Independence -----> this nga is drew Dragons Fury Exit to Windows Unbrekeable Kimblee Ferth Hislove Gaul Master aka max herlove give him his build Taeyoung etc etc etc dan i know a lot of powerfull champs ^^ and is too hard for me select a order but i am pretty sure John is the Number 1
  3. nga stop repeat the dialogues nga stop repeat the dialogues nga stop repeat the dialogues OK mmmmmmm? the guild of ming had same name than his sinx? i was watching some old ss of ma pc and guess the name was Rice Pickaz i am not sure. Intense? mmm wich generation? and lead name LOL is a joke or the limitless lead was really called limitless too? btw limitless was a guild with a green emblem right? i believe in zero words so F**k Seek and Destroy. GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
  4. ok i am going add to treadstone and limitless dont remeber valiant guild zero gime more information plz. and who was the lead of limitless and valiant? someone remember the name of the Ming guild aka Rice Picker? guess was a guild with a suke hat in the emblem. nga desteny is there look carefully! and now xian is trying reborn that guild. Who the hell is seek and destroy????? never see that guild and i play in afinnity too by like 2 weeks and guess was tiny compared to the others (afinity the guild with a eye in the emblem right?)
  5. tell me the exactly place for each guild or the place u think guild must be
  6. i dont remember anything about demi-god if u can give me more infrmation about that guild and who lead it will be more helpfull. ow i remember the john guild Reminicent and it was a 3 Generation guild
  7. u right ghost and terrorize too thanks guess both are 3 generation. dont think goron city was too powerfull, had pro players but wast a big guild tear of blood leaded by rayray was a 2 level guild in 1 generation (dont get mad with me zero nigtmare) i dont count mafia pride coz is a remain of Rm
  8. Well. i always feel nostalgic about old times, so ima make a list of old powerfull guilds. Help me remember pro guilds too if i miss one 1ª Generation: - Trascencion leaded by Chris (Herlove) and Viv (Hislove). - Influence leaded by Ken (Epic). - Royal Mafia leaded by Jason (Mustapha) and Percy (Godzira). - Desteny leaded by Thai (Thai) - Extinction leaded by Acex007 and Misteryous. - RiP leaded by a sinx girl cant remeber the name. - Treadstone leaded by Alpha Centurian - Limitless leaded by ??????????? 2ª Generation: - Good Soup leaded by guess Cole (Drax). - Legion leaded by Peter (Peter) - Legend leaded by Julio ( Mao Zeodong). - Phantom leaded by Kuoch ( Unbrekeable) (just gvg guild) - Loli leadd by ken guess was (sefirous or something) - Predicament leaded by Iris (Music) 3ª Generation: - Aggressive leaded by Jc ( Exit to Window). - Osfa leaded by Bob (Bobwithagun) and Selah and James. - Motto leaded by Somdara (Perishable) and Cole (Drax). - Ghost leaded by Cole (Drax) and Mello (Seshomaru) - Terrorize leaded by Somdara (Perishable) - Reminicent leaded by John (Yukumaru) 4º Generation Every currently guild i remember the john (yukumaru) guild too but i totally forget the name idk if i got them all bcoz i cant remember everyone. probably i mistake some lead or name of lead, i will give u a big thank if u post more big powerfull guilds u remember and give us the generation u think that below. Plz just post powerfull guilds that dominate in the respective generation. Pd: I will die believing the 1 generation had the most powerfull and pro ngas in Fro history and the best gvg-pvp-woes. ^^
  9. PATT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE U MANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. i know old players work hard for get the gears, but we work hard in big guilds time ago when many players was active and with alot of GL very kinds supporting to all the new guildmates of his guild. Like many of u guys i start from 0 making basic quest and alot of things for get better gears but u reach a moment when u need more than just quest for be competitive, u need someone giving u better drops or tokens specialy since now like u guys say no one sell or buy too much. Beside there no too much players in this moment with the enought drop power or token power for supply more new players and supporting until they get better things, bcoz the mostly rich players gone of fro without give noting of the all 100000000kkkkkkkkkk they had it in tokens or drop, so if the most rich guys dont help the new players then they never going to reach a competitive level or is gonna take them like 1 or 2 years with the level of sell/buy we have. when i say rich guys help new, i dont wana say hey must give free thing t new players, but at least let them join to guilds and giving them prize for play for them and be part of the guild no jus giving them seed or berrys, the need give them too drops of woe, bcoz many GL just give seed and berrys to the guildmates and never give drops. too much greed
  11. Well i think everyone note we have less people in ro, so we need catch and help the new players for give them more motivation of stay here in fro. new players cant make !!NOTHING¡¡ against the old players so i think we have to put for them more strong items. why no put old belts +40 like a quest for replace the super old no-donation or make the donation room items in half prize 50 tokens. i mean idk give the new players more chances of get some competitive items for face old players. i thinks is hard for they face old players and die in like 2 sec even with the knight set, plus they dont have enought berrys or seeds or any guild for help them and lose the motivation very soon. Gurky ^^.
  12. Wow guys u are all AWESOME!!!! amazing update
  13. gurkak


    Well First sorry Jano did this post adn second sorry for as is written
  14. fail xd
  15. happy birthday FRO
  16. Yea do mvp survivol :D
  17. Is better a survivol with MVPs :D should be more funny :P
  18. great job guys!
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