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Everything posted by gurkak

  1. Well after 12 years playing this server and 3 retired i just came today for say goodbye to a server who give me many, many years of fun and give me the opportunity of meet alot of great people with who i share in game time. meanwhile i write this i cant avoid feel nostalgic about all thing i live here, but the time comes for everyone and it finally come for me. It was sad say goobye with just some fellows who i share, with many new faces and knowing that mostly great players i meet here are gone since so many years ago. But i feel happy in some way to see the FRO still give others the opportunity of experience the fun i get too. Thanks to all Gms for make this possible. Hope u excuse me for post it here. LOVE U ALL GUYS, LOVE U FRO, WISH U THE BEST FROM THE DEEP OF MA HEART. FROM UR FRIENDLY WIZZARD GURKAK. 😄
  2. well well well .. i found some real old pictures of mine. guess are the oldest ones i have. - Me with some of ma first items in fild04. u can see in the chat a famous guy of Amisticia playing with his old sinx and looking for a fight (nga is a gangster). - Believe it or no i create a sinx before ma wizz for try break emps. IT FAIL!!!!!! - the other one is not old but is one thing i really miss of this server, the suites!!!!! cmon u cant handle that beach style. little thing like that make this server SO SPECIAL in that times!! I hope admins bring it back. Gurky ^^
  3. i am here bro! Gurkak is ma wizzard same of this 9 years here in fro.
  4. Whitesmith: When u guys gonna fix this thing? is absolutely annoy see how a physical job is now a magical/physical job with more magical damage than wizzards or sages. What is the point now of use a wizz or sage if this damn job hit twice than us? 9 years here increasing step by step, quest behind quest my matk ( i have 26k and ma damage is nothing compared to them) and u sudently create one item and make me feel all ma effort is big mountain of shit. Dragonist armor 30 pvp tokens: This annoy me alot too, u guys are created good storylines with hard steps (like find the 8 damn warps of the bless and cursed ring, plus 2 raids) but when i hear about this one i was in shock. Following the example anyone can find the warps with effort and time, damn even the 20 dragon eggs u ask are thing of time and practice if u get 2 or 3 friends with good gears for survive the blackwitch but how da pak u pretend someone win 3 times pvp with this big guildies in big partys. This requisit eliminate every new player even old players unless they have enought tokens for buy them. I think u guys make a big mistake with this one. U should create a new way (a FAIR one) fo win pvp tokens, like events or even a quest for win 1 pvp or make the dragon coins tradeables for pvp tokens like 8 coins=1 pvp. Ice Wall: When u will allow ice wall in fild again? i need it for fight too. and plz dont forbidden it in events either like survival or the new one in teams where u have to conquer the emp. The wizzard have already many disadventages for give them more problems. I surrender years ago about the gtb u guys are increasing so much some items, that already everyone can wear it and fight with low risk. Thats all. I feel beta now. Just give ma opinion about all this. Think about this and thanks.
  5. I been waiting for this 9 years i already give up.
  6. Guess dragonist coins is a item u need for increase the power of the emps or the item u change ur fame points for the dragonis armor. Check last updates.
  7. wow that a great power up! like rainbow emp and thank for fix bif_fild02
  8. mmm i dont speak english perfectly so guess i am ded! anyway i can aplicate for fix bif_fild_02 for myself. i like make event anyway
  9. Specter and Yatogami Really!!!?????? God Damn!! the things change alot this days. I used to think soul linker was useless as fok! until today hahahahahahah!!
  10. LOL talking about release the rage!!! hahahahha U think that is terrible kid? imagine when in this server mvps had like 200 millons hp and u give it the work of hit him ALOT of time for reduce his hp (with a NAB equip alot less powerfull than the new player equip server give to u guys in this days) and then a champ warp from no where asura u and stole ur mvp after all ur work. NOW THAT IS TERRIBLE!! compared to that u are just crying for nothing. ^^ PD: like some guys says DONT USE A DAMN LK FOR HUNT MVPS. da fok happen with u? what u gonna use tomorrow a soul linker?
  11. The item i am looking for in bif_fild02 is Angel Magic Power dropped by Fattum. The ncp ask me angel magic powder but i try fund it an cant, so i ask to a friend about the item who already finish this part of the quest and he told me the item was this and the map too.

    If the information is wrong and u know other place or mob where i can get the 700 items plz tell me.


    1. Danger


      Hello, I confused bif_fild02 (which gives error sometimes) with dicastes02 (which is empty and error always).

      Little Fatum drops the Angel Magic Power item, but the map where it spawns gives random error sometimes, we will try to get this fixed on next update

  12. Well cant found ma 2008-2011 pictures but i get this ones. - Here u can see me scaming jade set of ma little brother (jano)GG - with antagonist aka Fabre Stalker (jen) -wearing santa suite -with osfa weoing -jano talking with drag me to hell aka (merh) -raiding blackwitch with roy and the useless ace -me wearing black clothers -and i post this 2016-17 new years in a picture of some guys of the server in fcity. (hope next time gms can help a bit to the comunity in this friendly moments)
  14. Lets take a picture with the whole server for the new years gms!!!


  15. Beautiful pics max!!! u bring me very good memorys, in a picture i am with ma piamers, that time don have ma 1 rucksack yet. So old. That is like 2009 ss. Bass cant believe u ss Relinquish!!!!!!!! i saw him just 1 time and never again lolololol and th ss of 2010 is pretty cool. when i finish ma set 1 time black and orange. Ima try found ma ss from 2008 when i start.
  16. Omg old rucks are vote now!!! o man this update is awesome. u guys did a GREAT job this time!!
  17. I just notice now! castle payon Sacred Altar is back too!!! Influence members back to HOME!!!!!
  18. Nice job guys!! -WOE changes are great, there too many people in just 1 castle and lagg usually kill me!! -Pvp change are ok for me except for the party allowed change. I guess that will allow dominate the pvp thanks to pallys and dont give chance if a player is not helped by a strong pally or more players. i guess we all know pallys make a big difference in a pvp battle. The happy hours is cool. -MVP changes are awesome specialy for new players, they need every possible help. -The LHZ aura OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG the umber aka CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!! is MINE!!! -Welcome back to the infernals capes!!!!! one of the most fashion badass items in fro history!. Congratulations to Gm Team for this cool update. We love u guys. ^^
  20. wow great nice colors. good update. release butterfly umber plz ^^
  21. its 7 am tuesdays server time
  22. wow awesome!!!!. FINALLY PINK SET IS RELEASED!!!! bobo will be jumping of happyness. extraordinary guys!!. btw the new color rulez too.
  23. if u make alot of events, specially LTS with another gm i will love u forever!! if not then just meh for u!!
  24. i dont care about who had the 5 castles and that is coz motto never fight against the olds guilds when we had just 4 castles and NO ONE EVER GET THE 4!!!!! SO A HUGE MEHHHHHHHHHH FOR U HEHEEHE
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