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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Veggie&Mac

  1. Edit: Bought. B> Jörmungandr's Rage Pm me Dani♥
  2. B> Jörmungandr's Rage

  3. Omg i love this update so cool, and the sprite are so gasmic :P, congrats guys ;) Dani♥
  4. how you can get it? :( i get 7 now i got 1 :(
  5. Awesome update guys Gen: the pink aurora of love sprite still messed up :O Dani
  6. Great job guys, seriously, you are making a good job ;) Forsaken will be one of the best server arround the world Gen: can you fix the Cowring item, it says "created" by Devotion Peace guys Mac
  7. Sory cant sell that aurora Mac*
    1. Xtopher


      Does your name ever shrink if you go in cold water?

    2. Veggie&Mac


      Do you ever let your dog lick your name?

  8. who can give me an invitation for torrentleech pm me please >,<

  9. Im almost back n,n

    1. Genesis


      Come back soon Mac. =]

    2. Dudu


      Que te vaya bienn en tu Tesis!

    3. Danny


      Welcome back! Well..... ALMOST

  10. You should try testing some build on rms test server and see if abysmal knight works on emperium Dani♥
  11. ^Haio Mister Miracle^

  12. :blink: .__. fail
  13. ♥ miss you maria ^^

  14. Hi, i'm Jesus and this is Jackass!!! http://youtu.be/KO5GQh579Po

  15. Juanito lindiii hoy tratare de ir a woe ^^ ya?

  16. Haio dear ^^ how are you? ^^

  17. Wiwi? :O Happy Bday ;)

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