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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by kaosed

  1. kaosed

    Mvp Summoning!

    from Internets ^_______^
  2. kaosed

    Mvp Summoning!

    use hocus lv 8. less skill and 2.5% more chance to get that ???? skill
  3. O_o even if we lower the stat? like 15 or 20 and no mdef? donate artifact too op anyway. 40 stats,7 mdef and slotted
  4. make new accessory like L.gauntlet with slot but lower stats example +25 stat with slot. so there will be more variety on building char. thx for ur concern
  5. +1, crossbow r hard to get these days. no quest for that and no one sell it.
  6. ur memory book need the one unsloted and only drops by agav on 1% drop rate.
  7. its frikin hot, bring back the snow plox...
  8. too many gravity error on lhz_dun04 T_____T
  9. gears : head = F.knight [ 2 kiel] middle = Zod [1 kiel ] lower = scarf [ ur choice ] armor = Knight armor [ 1 tao +1gr or ur choice] weps = 2 L.weps [4 kingring for magic & 1 incan 2tg 1 skel for stave] shield = Knight shield [gtb or usakoring] cloak = Knight cloak [ 2 raydric, 2 skoll, 1 raydric+1 skoll, 2 noxious, ect ect ur choice] shoes = Knight shoes [ 2fbh for stave crash, ur choice ] accecoris = 2 int gautlet stats : str = till u can bring 200 seed [ur choice] vit = till got 100k hp more [ ur choice ] agi = till got 195 for spam stave crash int = till 10k matk [ur choice] dex = total 150 for instant cast luk =1 thats all for basic. just try experiment and find ur own best build.
  10. well for people with lots def/vit, i presume ice pick give more damage coz it got thana effect. but the downside it remove the l.weps CT bonus. u have to run a test for it. whitesmith job actually for ninja killer, HSCR skill can bypass ninja cicada. try use HSCR ftw and put rsx armor for anti knockback while stay close next cell to ninja if they tried to jump
  11. yeah, HSCR are the main skill, second is mamonite. HSCR dont relly on modifier race/size card, only ur cart weight,custom card [mforger] and L.weps that add CT %, also it work with ice pick/combat knife. while mamonite depends on mod race/size card. dont forget to endow element before whack someone.
  12. this question already answered long time ago. u can use search button, theres a lot answer for this type of question.
  13. yeah, coz lots crazy thing happens on that time while western gm r sleeping. when asian player wanna report some case, theres no gm around. event gm only online occasionally and they busy hosting event. thats all and thx for ur concern.
  14. tested this, aura blade didnt ignore defense. so u still need incant for BB. on other side, spiral doesnt need incant coz already bypass def
  15. T_T old player got the advantage from this... this gear should be add to donate..
  16. so yeah i was wandering around forum and found this http://www.forsaken-...hl=+storm +gust so this headgear effect still on these day? thx..
  17. from the deepest part of my heart , i hate joo james. really T_______________T
  18. finally, someone using english as main. half of server using tagalog for sure.. have fun in Fro.
  19. i demand more chicks in guild. and i mean real girls, not some fag using girl sprite. kick some boy members for girls.
  20. need help after doing johanes map. pm me in game, ill give 10 token for helping me on this summer quest
  21. dude respect someone hard work... dont be an asshole.. why u dont try making a guide? lets see how noobs build u got there.
  22. meh this guild... i hate u guys...
  23. well, old player tend to keep it, while new peps find its hard to get those while old player with decent gear ks and camp it. so yeah thats how the economy works here. the economy ruled by old peps and they can manipulated the price.
  24. well, gm should make a guide to custom headgear quest. coz it not ruining economy or destroy to game instrument. people only do it for fashion. some of us got hobby on collecting headgear.i know its hard efford making custom headgear update but people tend to failed it in middle of way from clueless. so it will be waste. and for uber quest like frigg or ring, the requirement itself isn't common. so if it stay hidden, its okay. thats my2cent. thx
  25. i stuck after doing johanes map. any clue what npc next and what maps? no need the coordinate, i'll explore it later. thx in advice...
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