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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Wish

  1. Wish


    Hi, welcome to Forsaken RO! It looks like you have a good friend on the server, so I'm not sure that you need my usualy post, but I'll give it anyway just for fun. If you have any questions, feel free to browse the forums. A lot of good information on starting off in our server can be found in the general discussion area, and many of our custom item quests can be found in the quest guide section. For additional help, feel free to post, PM a GM on the forum, @request for one in game, or merely ask for help in @go 25. Several players are friendly and wouldn't mind helping. I hope you enjoy your time with us. :)
  2. Wish

    Remove Dis.

    I guess we can move this to 'accepted' then. - Accepted -
  3. Wish


    The air gets trapped. Diaphragms move when you breathe. You pull in the air, and "choke" on it, in a way. Also, you know very well that Devotion was not talking about only this thread. Now, honestly, quit bringing up more confrontation where it's really not necessary. There is nothing wrong with stating your own opinion, but there IS a line between stating your own opinion and aggression.
  4. Wish

    O Hai Thar

    If you don't do the Forsaken Dungeon Pass quest, the best place to farm yggdrasil berries is for_fild02 from soldiers. You need to win events to redeem bloody branches: they cost 4 event coupons each. Yes, you can use @warp to warp to nameless island. GMs do hold events every day, and we will soon be hiring a few more, so activity should rise. Ideas for snipers can be found here: http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showforum=130 You get 200 stat points to add to anything. Yes, MvPs have buffed stats. I've never tried MvPing with a creator, but I can't imagine it would work well. I'd recommend a champion or a sniper. Aside from all that, welcome to our server! You can always look through the general discussion section, which has a lot of information for newcomers to our server, and the quest guide section, where you can find quests for our custom items, as well as the elite quest. Feel free to browse. Other than that, feel free to PM a GM on the forum for support or @request for one in game. You can also ask around Forsaken City (@go 25) for help. Many players won't mind lending aid. Overall, I hope you have a good experience on our sever. :)
  5. Wish


    I think that they're in good? hands with Woojin. ;)
  6. Wish


    It's an issue with the diaphragm when you end up taking air in weirdly, thereby trapping the air. So, you're both right. Ok?
  7. Wish


    At least they aren't as contagious as yawns.
  8. Please keep your concerns to your ticket. I'm not sure what we'll be able to do, but any updates will be made there. Thanks!


  9. Wish

    Hello All~

    Haha, welcome to Forsaken RO. If you need any help, feel free to browse or post on the forum. The most helpful sections to newcomers are the general discussion, where basic information about our server and items can be found, and the quest guide section, where you can find the quests for our custom items. For support and other questions that you can't seem to find the answer to, you're always welcome to PM a GM on the forum, @request for one in game, or ask the players in Forsaken City (@go 25). Many players are helpful and willing to lend a hand. I hope you enjoy your time with us. :)
  10. Wish


    Well, since you have someone in the game who has been here for a long while, I don't suppose you need the usual post. However, welcome to the server all the same, it's great to have you. Feel free to PM a GM on the forum or @request for one in game for help. Enjoy your stay with us. :)
  11. Take turns, organize. That's partially what the hidden forum can be used for. If you guys have a specific theme you'd like to participate in, reserve it ahead of time. If all of you would like to participate in a certain week, ask a few GMs to step in. There are several of you. I believe that you can problem solve. This is the responsibility of your positions. You DO have a position among the public that members look to, especially in this event.
  12. ^ Pretty much what I said. Again, it won't kill you to sit out one week. Players will not be judging anymore. That's why judges were selected, correct? Therefore, they won't be able to cast a vote for whom they like the best. Also, you guys were the first ones to start comparing yourselves to GMs, so... We are not trying to overrun your event. Quite the opposite. We do not want to see it die. Personally, I think it is a great idea for an event. Players can take their time, and it's not an in-game thing based on luck or PvP skill. I like the diversity it offers. Like Devotion said, I see no problem helping to promote this.
  13. GM applications are now closed. Thanks to all who applied. Accepted applicants will be emailed back within the next week.
  14. I really don't think you particularly need to discuss it. Judges just don't participate in their own events. Like I said, it really won't kill you to take a week off judging to join in. It's just more fair that way. I wouldn't mind if a topic was made in the Event section, but I'm only one person. You'd probably have to talk to Genesis about that to make sure it was ok.
  15. I'm really not that awesome. :( You are, though. <3

  16. Lol! K, but we know who is the real sxc person here. ;o I could never stand up to you. <3

  17. Wish


    ^ You have to be careful. Don't lean over too far, and make sure you take small sips, not gulps.
  18. - Rejected -
  19. Happy Birthday. (:

  20. Wish


    My Fifth grade teacher told me about this one. It was always her "secret cure", and she'd take kids out in the hall to do it. Fun stuff. But, it always did work for me, and the other kids who tried it. You just have to be careful that you don't do it wrong...or, like Timmeh! said, it'll go up your nose. You stand with a cup in your hand, bend over, and basically, drink from the opposite rim of the cup.
  21. Wish


    Welcome back. :)
  22. Well...personally, I have to agree with Devotion in this. I feel that, if you choose to participate, you should take that week off from judging. While GMs do participate in many of their own events, most players do not know their legits, and we do not participate in Hide and Seek or Warp Portal for obvious reasons. Would it really take a toll if one or two of you chose to take a break from judging one week? You could even work out an alternating schedule, or discuss who would enter if they really wanted to enter a certain theme. If you all three want to enter, you still have the GM team as judges. We can push that. As Devotion pointed out, participating and judging could lead to accusations you don't want. If you want to compare it to GMing, we get accused of helping our friends win from time to time as it is. However, if players lose faith in the judges, there will be even fewer entries. The event could just as easily die. As for broadcasting, I personally don't see a problem with it. I won't say anything one way or another, but we could talk about it, I'm sure.
  23. Please look at the date of the last post before making your own.
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