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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by drax13

  1. Now were 1 post closer to 49th
  2. I like it. Change is good.
  3. drax13

    This or that

    New school. Shorts or Pants
  4. Im kinda skinny myself cause I have a high metabolism. Meaning I burn fat really fast. And I've been doing a bit off research, best food for muscles are meats, and eggs. For fat is - Butter - Ice cream (contains milkfat) - Cheese - Meat fat - Coconut oil But for some odd reasons peanuts and any other type of nuts are good for both muscles and regular fat. So if I were you, I'd stick with nuts.
  5. drax13

    GG Sig

    ...DOTA ROCKS. If my CD didn't get all scratched up, I'd be dota ing my ass off instead of reading the forums.
  6. Its funny how we (everyone) can say the gayest things, but finish it off with no homo and get away with it. I say it all the time, along with my friends after they slap each others bums in gym class. But its just funny how those 2 words seperate us from the homos. :P
  7. Im buying 3 elite daggers with coupons, leave name and price. Or pm me through forums. Or in game as Kiwi Tree
  8. Why? Im just helping out the non-donating community. But if this is inappropriate Ill delete the post.
  9. There is a website called www.bux.to when you click ads on that website you get paid. if you don't have an account please sign up and refer me at, www.bux.to/?r=drax13 if you refer people you get paid for ads they click as well. screen shot. So it's simple sign up and then instead of being a lazy ass download the auto clicker that clicks ads for you DOWNLOAD LINK Download the autoclicker Im not just posting this to get referrals im posting this cause it's a simple way to make moneyz for nubs I didn't attach any viruses to it that is exactly how i downloaded it from they're website. Main Site http://autoclickers.uni.cc/en/downloads
  10. If that guy makes GM Ill run down my street naked, take a pic and post it on the forums. *sarcasm* or is it?
  11. drax13

    This or that

    Pasta Alfredo Bacon or French Fries?
  12. Danforth and what? you idiot. Broadview Pape Coxwell Woodbine Victoria Park Warden Birchmont Kennedy Speak up
  13. What the ....
  14. drax13

    Ur mama

  15. Flow you wanna mess? Im down in Mississauga but I can drive up to Toronto in less than 20 min. Give me your address fo. o_O wow ami is hot.
  16. drax13

    Ur mama

    Yo mommas so cheap, she uses her yeast infections to make bread. Grade 5 joke (cant believe I still remember it)------>yo mommas so cheap when I steeped on a cigarette but she said "who turned off the heater?" Yo mama so fat she fell in love and broke it. Yo mama so fat she's got more Chins than a Hong Kong phone book! Yo mama so fat she left the house in high heels and when she came back she had on flip flops. Yo mama so fat shes on both sides of the family Yo mama so fat when she goes to an all you can eat buffet, they have to install speed bumps. Yo mama so fat when she got hit by a bus, she said, "Who threw that rock?"
  17. Can I request some clubbing music, japanese rock music, and trans/techno music. A list would be nice.
  18. drax13

    Ticks Sexy Vends

    Dibs on both sinX daggers. IGN Kiwi Tree
  19. Ive heard a few things about a Forsaken Low rate server. I didn't see any posts, so if you've heard or know anything please clarify for me.
  20. 90 coupons for the dagger. Its Kiwi Tree
  21. drax13

    S>leech service

    Leech my stalker to job level 255. Im already at base 255. Ill pay you 3 coupons current job level is 178
  22. Livened up 2 minutes of my life.
  23. Lul'd at Openkore If you know what that program is you've done something wrong.
  24. drax13

    This or that

    No idea what either of those are so Ill say Kubrick Vanilla or Chocolate?
  25. High and Mighty Color - Pride If you like Japanese music this is your song.
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