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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by SeanIsFail

  1. Legend Nov xD
  2. I love you. You have my name in your first screen shot on the far right side
  3. Tyler broke my <3 XD lawl and yes novice dodge ball ftw <3
  4. I like how were talking on here and in game this is absurd
  5. I know real descriptive :p
  6. IGN's [Legend], Legend Nov, CrwndClown (I'm on this one atm my main is [Legend]) I had a red and black suit with a barett and moon aura on ;p
  7. Haha I was laying right next to you screaming I agree XDDDD
  8. Haha I saw 5 people do that and I felt so bad for them xD
  9. Haha I'm telling you everyone keeps getting stuck on each other xD Q('.'Q) its a crazy event and I love it I wish I could host these kinds of events. I think I even saw you in the event tyler you were screaming about the apocolypse coming xD
  10. Haha dude I was standing right next to this dude and he was closer to the sphere then I was and I died instead of him xD
  11. Great new event I must say ;p needs a little improvement here and there and needs a little closer monitering, but this is one of my faviorte events! Just a little to describe the event. This event is started out by having novices warp to @go 14 all novices must be 1/1 that means Lvl 1 base lvl and lvl 1 job lvl. No other class is allowed to participate. Once you go through the warpers at @go 14 you are transported into a room that has a striking resemblence to a dodge ball floor, go figure eh? Now you might be asking yourself what makes this event so great and the first thing that comes to my mind is a slight touch of fear as you scurry around the room as your little novice and watch all your little novice friends around you get blown to bits by Marine spheres! This isn't the only thing that adds a touch of excitement to this event. This event involves alot of strategy seeing as we can't really move through some of our novice friends at times which might litereally leave us stuck between an exploding marine sphere and a fellow novice. During the first round of this event many of us novices thought it would be a great idea to hide in a corner as we related the title of this event directly to the game in real life....Well we were wrong not even 2 seconds into the game BOOM BOOM BOOM we were blown away. I stayed behind after my death to watch some of the event and I must say it was quite funny watching other novices scurry in and out of exploding marine spheres and watch some of them fail miserably as they got stuck behind another novice. Also with this event being as fun as it was for us I believed the GM's enjoyed it themselves for getting the chance to take a swing at a bunch of defenseless novices :p who couldn't love that!?
  12. SeanIsFail

    Xbox rant

    Wtf? Lawl almost all games that are on the PS3 are also on the 360 plus the ps3 is doing so bad its litereally stealing ideas from microsoft lets see here trophies wow sounds alot like achievements
  13. Mk so someone is probably gonna yell at me / call me a nub for this, but it says a low rate server is coming soon and I was just wondering if there was an exact date for that. Ok yes this is just one question..
  14. SeanIsFail

    Xbox rant

    Very nice
  15. SeanIsFail

    Xbox rant

    I don't even know whats going on... XD
  16. SeanIsFail

    Xbox rant

    Halo 3 <3
  17. SeanIsFail

    Xbox rant

    ;p theres not many games I liked for the orig xbox other then halo
  18. SeanIsFail

    Xbox rant

    Probably don't know why you'd wanna play an original xbox game like that, but thats your prefernce xD
  19. SeanIsFail

    Xbox rant

    Hmm....maybe there isn't an update? But thats highly highly unlikely hm....wow um idk turn off your xbox and unplug everything and replug it back in for some reason that seems to help some people get things working on their 360
  20. SeanIsFail

    Xbox rant

    Haha its always microsofts fault, but never let it turn ya away from the 360 ;p
  21. I think I understand it somewhat....I think he is referring to Zeny as gold thus meaning the price of zeny should be raised....but that doesn't make sense either since we don't really use it unless in shops and stuff so.....yea maybe I'm wrong to.
  22. Hahaha
  23. SeanIsFail


    But if there is none doesn't that just mean that they arn't going to find that topic which there is none to?
  24. SeanIsFail


    Nice quote ;D
  25. SeanIsFail


    I agree Genesis is a great person and friendly to I've talked to him and he has been nothing, but helpful which is more then I can say for alot of GM's I met who just blow you off and go around abusing their power. And just by him taking the time to talk to me and help me solve the issue I had made me like this server 20x's more.
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