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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by SeanIsFail

  1. poor kid.....jk lawl
  2. SeanIsFail


    Well I got a couple rares in here and I wanna know in terms of DQ not zeny
  3. SeanIsFail


    Welcome back :D
  4. SeanIsFail

    NO YOU!

    Still all lies
  5. SeanIsFail


    How many DQ do pets sell for?
  6. SeanIsFail

    NO YOU!

    Its all lies XD
  7. SeanIsFail

    NO YOU!

    I don't love you kthxs XDDDD
  8. SeanIsFail

    Hey yo

    Welcome :D
  9. SeanIsFail

    NO YOU!

    XDD I gotta admit that thing is pretty cool even for how simple it is
  10. SeanIsFail

    NO YOU!

  11. SeanIsFail

    NO YOU!

    I AGREE But in all srsness I'm sure they do alot to
  12. SeanIsFail

    NO YOU!

  13. SeanIsFail

    NO YOU!

    Oh shut up you know I can't nor most people can't make all the cool things y'all do @Tyler [email protected]
  14. SeanIsFail

    NO YOU!

    Lawl how'd u know I had msn
  15. SeanIsFail

    NO YOU!

    I will purple name just means it owns u
  16. SeanIsFail

    NO YOU!

    I must be right because someone with a purple name is looking at this post
  17. SeanIsFail

    NO YOU!

  18. SeanIsFail

    NO YOU!

    Ok when does no you ever lose?
  19. I agree with you completely there is alot as there is and im thankful for that, but more would be great! Heck like now I'm wishing I joined this server earlier and applied to be a GM D: I would host events as much as I could.
  20. Lulz I'm starting to wonder if this post (The one from deviant art) was written by the person who wrote my immortal.
  21. I actually like the idea of people actually using the merchent mall I mean it is nice to just see the stuff people are buying right away, but I can imagine it lags some people and they do make it really hard to see some of the NPCS
  22. Second motion again :D I'll host one!!! Oh yea not gm :suicide_anim:
  23. SeanIsFail

    Xbox rant

    I'm actually taking C++ next year as a class :D I wanna get a job as a game designer so I'm trying to get as much experiance with programming and other things as I can.
  24. I <3 your hosting :D xDDD and for some reason I enjoyed righting about the event this just makes me wanna stay with this server more and more
  25. I second the motion. It would even help if they had the mid/low rate server up cause then I could do some quest and stuff :p
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