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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by SeanIsFail

  1. Yes I'm using silver bullets ;p
  2. Easier said then done ;p
  3. And by the time you do that your ready to commit suicide ;p
  4. Why did I know this was coming
  5. Apparently I need to reword this my suggestion here is to implement a different way for how to put this the currency or w/e to be run because right now everything is being run by coupons which people can purchase with real money which means more coupons are coming in then going out thus causing inflation.
  6. How is it thread fail when its a rant? Can a rant go wrong? Isn't this just your way trying to assert yourself into something you have no idea about because you didn't post anything that can be considered an intelligent response other then a meme.
  7. But then you'll need to build a bridge to get over it
  8. Higher drop rate plox? My saddness for you grows
  9. I <3 you to XDDD
  10. This will probably make you laugh, but I've killed over 40 devilings and still not one card ;3
  11. I give you <3's @Nightmare I don't know if I should agree with you or not lol.
  12. How so hes right about what he said and it does make getting started in this game harder <3 the pic though
  13. I swear to god I have to keep quoting you for accuracy @Leni I feel bad for you :\
  14. Exactly why I've been sticking with this server, but at some point you just get so frustrated that you have to sit and watch the price rise as you try and collect enough Dqpons to buy it.
  15. EXACTLY :D quoted for accuracy
  16. Psh they can't MVP cause they keep getting KS'd I mean hell me and my guild were sitting there killing FBH and out of nowhere this guy named f8player comes out and BOOM KS
  17. Lmao well I'm sorta coming from the point of view of people who really have no help in this server its really tough for them.
  18. Fixed @Leni Lol can't wait to see :D, jwing did anyone give you any of your stuff?
  19. Maybe, but I'm just going by what alot of my friends said because they joined this server with good thoughts because of what I described to them then they were like dude we can't kill anyone cause everyone else has so and so and everything is so expensive we don't have the time to sit and hunt this stuff all day etc...
  20. No really I just can't stand it anymore I love how I've seen the price of everything in this game sky rocket and it makes it terrible for new players which is a reason this servers populations does not increase even though the server itself is amazing. Also I love how people watch other people wittle down an MVPs health and then just KS it I swear to god that pisses me off. If I were able to suggest anything to this server is to make things easier to obtain for people because people who can't donate are at a serious disadvantage and they also can't afford the gear they need just to be able to get into a guild to attend WoE which is one of this servers funnest events. Thats my rant ftm ;3
  21. Yea i know that :\ still the guns that I've read about would help alot o.o
  22. Well this just came to my attention as I was looking through ratemyserver.net and I was looking at the GS's guns and I realized that forsaken does not have alot of these guns and I was wondering why not? Also I need some help with my GS its desperado is hitting 3 k and I have full dex agi until aspd is 195 and health is 83 k and I have lots of luk and intel until SP is 2111 what is wrong with my build?
  23. SeanIsFail


    Sorry but this made me lawl
  24. SeanIsFail


    I like how it says c ya twice is that indicating hes leaving the server cause people freak out to much or so he says?
  25. And see you just gave me a heart BAM

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