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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by SeanIsFail

  1. Wut?
  2. SeanIsFail


    I just wanted to know how many of you actually know about ChrisChan creator of the sonichu comics
  3. Good don't give them the satisfaction xD
  4. XDD
  5. Haha I was having this same discussion with my friend today who was bad mouthing this RO saying that there are no quest except constant grinding xDDD
  6. Lol I realize they are not going away, but it would be cool to have someother type of form of ingame currency ;o. And the reason I think this would be cool is because anybody could just donate and get coupons, but if we had an ingame currency you had to earn it would give people something to do ;p
  7. Still it be cool I think to at least try something other then just using donation coupons ;p
  8. I like how you follow my name xD
  9. Welcome ;3
  10. I admire you :thumbsup_still:
  11. O.o I just don't see why you would want to power them up if people are killing you just don't play on them I guess?
  12. You make me jealous
  13. Really? o.o
  14. :\ I don't know if I should cheer for you or feel bad for the time you've lost lol
  15. Lol lets see if I can get all of these. In a way this is a suggestion in that this server is losing buisness due to the economy being so haywire thus meaning implement a new way for the server to handle things @Genesis I understand that completely, but you have to consider the person B sells his card for 35 coupons great your helping lower the price, but as soon as that one price is gone you have the one person left selling his card for 65 and thus you have the impatient people who buy that card instantly thus keeping the price at 65 leaving the guy who sold his card for 35 sort of ripped off. So that sort of eliminates person A going out of buisness :\. Also we can't just break it down into that player B will hunt more cards because at this point Player A has most likely better gear and is able to hunt more efficently then player B which means player A has more supply coming in and able to start selling before player B meaning people might buy his product first @The people who said this isn't a suggestion As said before I don't know how other servers do it, but they seem to maintain a stable economy at least from what I remember and if I remember correctly everything in other servers was bought with zeny and donations didn't give you coupons, but gave you the item.
  16. There at a disadvantage because they can't get items until later on in the game meaning they miss out on alot of stuff cause usually guilds only want fully geared people for WoE and stuff
  17. Exactly I get what your saying and thats what is causing alot of people to leave is because they are trying to mvp or something else and then bam the guy they saw join the server the same time they did has all this gear and stuff just comes up and rapes their mvp and are like wow f this.
  18. I think I've been playing around 2 months and still no Forsaken king gears except my valk helm if you count that ;3
  19. SeanIsFail

    This or that

    Dollar Noodley apandages or bear arms
  20. SeanIsFail

    IT'S SO HOT.

    Go die then D: jk <3
  21. Well you gotta consider out of all those cards you listed I only have skel worker and no elite guns so this is like the next best thing :D
  22. Easier said then done I can't get all those cards XDD and here look at this gun Glorious Revolver [0] [Two Handed] Item ID# 13110 (Glorious_Revolver) Type Weapon Class Revolver Buy n/a Sell n/a Weight 0 Attack 80 Required Lvl 80 Weapon Lvl 4 Slot 0 Range 7 Applicable Jobs Gunslinger Description Increases physical attack against DemiHuman monster by 55%. Adds 20% defense bypassing on Demi-human monster. Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts). [Refine Rate 6~10] Adds 5% defense bypassing on Demi-human monster. ... [Refine Rate 9~10] Add a chance of auto casting Level 1 Flip the Coin when using skill Rapid Shower. Increases damage skill Rapid shower by 2% of refining weapons.
  23. SeanIsFail

    IT'S SO HOT.

    Hate to say it, but glaciers are melting global warming is kicking our ass and people are still saying its not a serious problem yet :D. People who say things like that really piss me off because shouldn't we get rid of the problem early before it gets any worse :D
  24. When you say armor and then GR I am to understand golden ring is what you mean, but that only equips to weapons
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