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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by supream

  1. all you gota do is take out the increase all stat buffs and party buffs. that will make it better i think. also can u attack the people disguised?
  2. i logged on i guess ur right it will be changed soon
  3. i dont think anyone even has the guild hideout yet. he could of just buffed himself. the leader of god speed isnt rich as the other guilds to get the guild hideout.
  4. supream

    Zodiac Or Emp?

    emp dose hidden stuff i dont know all it dose but it dose more then just +25 all stats.
  5. supream

    Glacier Fist

  6. supream

    Glacier Fist

    always jumping to op. this only last about 10 seconds if that, while tarot last about 2 or 3 min. also its not easy to spam glacier fist. so making it work the first 2 tries instead of 5 would be better.
  7. for the guild hideout whats to stop people from telling others the password? also, ive been in there and gotten those buffs will this really be fair for woe and even for pvp for that matter for people just to get those buffs and fight people without them. when i got those buffs it took 6 people to kill me.
  8. supream

    Glacier Fist

    any objections?
  9. supream

    Glacier Fist

    since know one uses it i wouldnt expect you to actually know what it really dose.
  10. fine close
  11. supream

    Glacier Fist

    i hope this one isnt op. can we make glacier fist stun chance 90 or 80%? it last about 10 seconds anyways. i dont see many people using it. maybe this will bring more verity to how people play monks.
  12. yea they gave me money back but still lol
  13. i dont care about the economy but didnt people complain when there was a raise in zeny use instead of dq.
  14. i got accused of sprite editing with my champ when spamming tss. how dose sprite editing help with that? to my knowledge the only way to spam fast is to do what som dose.
  15. dont you hate it when you go buy something then the next time you go back to the store the price is lower? for example: i went to the store and bought a tv for 2000$ then a couple days when i go back its 1200$. wtf?
  16. http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=16181 i posted this a little while ago. no need to make the same suggestion.
  17. i was just saying just be a little more then golderining like 10% more since it is thana
  18. since thanatos is the hardest card to get it should do the best thing. I suggest that thana do 40% more dmg to demi humans instead of 28%. you might think its op but since i get hit with a 200k av or 300k sonic blow i would think it should be the best for champs to.
  19. supream

    Thursdays Event

    maybe its a rest day.
  20. i always wanted status alignments here but stun is for low rate servers, and the suggestions made to the alignments were way to high.
  21. due to the fact that stave crashers damage is so bad, even with uso card off it still only dose little damage.
  22. sorry to say but wrong. vulnerable to other attacks? so im assuming ganging? im pretty sure hes talking about one on one matches. even people who wear gtb stave crasher dose crap damage. agree to the stave crash boost.
  23. we mainly need gypsies, slow grace clowns, pallies, champs, and scholars. No breakers are needed. pm me, Sin.X, or AceX07(if hes ever on). Must be fully geared.
  24. supream

    New Pvp Room

    this was already suggested. if it didnt pass then how can it pass now?
  25. changing rop color wouldnt work. changing valks is different cause while u can change normal valks u cant change a g valk to a blue valk. belt change npc would be convent but ruin the economy i guess.
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