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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by supream

  1. supream

    Av Spam

    i always thought tarrot was more of a problem then av.
  2. supream

    Av Spam

    thats the problem. obviously some people have extreme difficulty trying to kill clowns.
  3. this dosent seem to matter. if i can still pvp and beat people on a daily bases like i do then theres no problem.
  4. supream

    Av Spam

    comparing sinx and clown isnt smart. since clowns av is ranged and only requires 3 keils and u can use shield. while sb is short ranged and requires 4 keils. tarrot beats almost every class who dosent wear gtb. also it lowers the sb dmg to do 6k or less a hit. sb hits 7 times av hits 9 times. sinx is one of the easier classes to play. pally has harder to play then u think. what if u were to fight a ws, what now? playing champ isnt easy.just because u dont like what someone says about something other then you dosent mean you should quote them. attack the topic not the person.
  5. supream

    Av Spam

    im not agreeing on anything but adam is right. clowns have 220k-230k hp with them having 290 dex. thats what i got on my clown. and ive seen people spam 2 to 3 avs with 2 keils ( some with one but thats another story). with 3 keils on u can spam 4 or even 5 at times.
  6. supream

    Emp Aura

    i dont think they would make something better then emp aura up for donations.
  7. supream


    these things should be made in a ticket.
  8. supream


    yea if you get a link you can wear any weapon so they dont need one. but a armor set would be useful.
  9. supream

    Boosting Sg Class

    there are certain stats and equips u need to make sg strong. but i dont know them.
  10. supream

    Emp Aura

    it must do secret things since i do more dmg with emp aura then with zodiac. 5 stats cant make more dmg then with all the stuff the zodiac dose.
  11. Bladeoffury- got it from a friend. we use to play rappelz together. Supreamus- defines its self.
  12. supream


    lks cant kill clowns, snipers cant kill champs or mages, mages lose to gtb, pallies lose to gr. champs lose to pallies. whats your point?
  13. i suggested that their weapon enable lvl 5 cold bolt and acid bottles be a lower price. the only time u really lose to a creator is because u didnt have gr or fcp.
  14. like how
  15. rapid smiting is broken some how. dosent do the dmg i would usually think it dose.
  16. what about @save so people can save wherever they want except in castles.
  17. first u need to check your spelling man. second ice pick and thana can be reduced by using skolls. the candies that turned you into monsters still made it so you could be attacked, while the ones they turned into were not. i dont care about the buffs, just saying it should only give party buffs, not buffs that are exclusive to classes. i don't know if the npc still gives increase to all stats or not. just because your richer then someone else dosent mean you should get a incredible advantage over everyone else.
  18. supream


  19. supream

    Rent A Weapon

    well u know if u have enough dqs u can just have a one handed bow all the time.
  20. races should be held in turbo room and idk if they did or not but make a new place for speed pots.
  21. http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=16181 i dont know why people keep reposting this
  22. supream

    Rent A Weapon

    is it true that the bows are one handed? i havent checked.
  23. as i stated before it should just give party buffs not exclusive class buffs like improve con, owl eyes and energy coat, power maximize, stuff like that.
  24. supream

    Zodiac Or Emp?

    if u ever tried to test it if u wear rop and emp u have more hp when u wear emp then if u wore rop.
  25. they havent fixed that yet. i dont think it should give class buffs like improve con and falcon eyes. just buffs that can be cast on other players. also just cause u have more money then someone else dosent mean u should get perks that gives u a incredibly unfair advantage against everyone else.
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