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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by supream

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZG--3VhwQFc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HV-nebx9ZMM
  2. I dont have any pictures of equilibrium or legion anymore
  3. windows 8?
  4. Man most of your posts make it seem like you're butt hurt about something all the time. Instead of saying this a more positive way to say it would of been "Since most of the GM's are busy most of the time I can't really pick my favorite active GM at the time, but the ones that are available that I do like are Devour and Cappuccino." But do it your way man since you think it's right.
  5. No if you get all the stuff that increases shield chain it will do 5k on reduces,
  6. I haven't seen false enchant work. Was suppose to work with final strike but it didn't. might need 20%. I also wouldn't mind seeing a 10% increase to sacrafice.
  7. I'm baffled by the fact that you said you were the only one who played this when I (*Ace) had been using it for a while (althought I Haven't been on in a month). I did just fine with it and took on multiple people at once. Even when i ganged it still took 6 or more to kill just two of us. I agree that it needs more damage but how much are you suggesting. Since shield chain uses your shield and not your weapon elements it's impossible to make it a different element unless you edit the skill itself to do damage based on your weapon and not your shield.
  8. This is more of a bug report than a suggestion.
  9. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=24296&st=0 didn't he already fix this.
  10. I work at a golf course and teach people how to play.
  11. whats this no equilibrium or treadstone?
  12. The best argument here.
  13. I sold all my ninja stuff for pally gear.
  14. Sigh all this arguing over stupid stuff. Ninjas are fine as they are now no buffs or nerfs needed. Just put a delay on warping thats all. Maybe I should just post a guide on how to play ninja maybe that will stop all the complaining that they are weak, but then again having a lot of me's running around would spark more nerfing suggestions. Heh who do you think started this huge spawn of lk and ninja thing.
  15. The point he was making is that they use it so much it might as well be a skill.
  16. Me and independence when we actually decide to play. We own everyone just the two of us.
  17. Me nuff said
  18. I've pretty much mastered playing all the classes here, except taekwon and soulinker because they were useless until recently. I can safely say that champion requires the most buttons and skill to play than any other class. Ninja on the other hand no so much.
  19. I wouldn't go as far to say that if you add a delay on BB you might as well remove the class; that's an extreme. Considering that BB knocks you back you can't spam it unless you get trapped or but rsx on, so the damage output isn't a problem.
  20. "I can't win so I want this nerfed now".
  21. My name was BladeofFurry, and I played ninja back when clowns tarot still teleported people. I was able to own people using a main gauche and an ice pick. I used the same combo that people are using now, and i didn't have enough money to buy a elite weapon back then. So it doesn't make sense for people to complain now when it was the same back then. My fs damaged increased with the valk weapons but so did everyone's hp and defense. The only different thing I see is the increase in throw shuriken damage.
  22. I'm better than all of you combined.
  23. I don't know what you're talking about. This would not let anyone, not even the faster champs spam 4 asuras a second. Also, you can't asura when your being hit so...
  24. This is a skill issue which I don't think they can really fix. For a recap what happens when u press zen there is a small delay that makes it so you can't asura right after it. If you try to asura a skill failed message will pop up in your message box. I don't really know why this happens and why asura is the only skill affected by it since I cam spam tss as fast as my net will allow me without a skill fail message popping up. However, I'm not so sure that removing this will have a huge benefit for people with high ping. Sure they won't get that message anymore, but it will most likely benefit players like me with lower ping more because I will be able to spam at my full potential without having to time that second and a half delay between asuras. Even so I don't know how that delay was put there, but I still think it's worth a test.
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