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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Poringly

    Now I Know

  2. I got 1k in Speed Room in 2h. D: and 1.8k in the Turbo room. :s. But im lazy to keep warping for farmin in Turbo Room, that's why we should add some % in the Speed Room :) Reason for edit : Forget to add smth. :(
  3. Poringly

    Dear Diary.

    Dear Diary, ... End.
  4. Poringly

    Mikey Haha

  5. We got 5% Now. It should get higher like 15%? Since the Seed is 30% D: Or smth. :x
  6. Anyone got good new site for reading manga beside onemanga.com that is. D:
  7. Hiii Jassss. >:

  8. Not even plastic bullet? :o Well, Law dont work if there's no person got the title "Law" in them.(You know what i mean aren't ya?) uhh, Annie, Try get a big pet like dogs as you bodyguard? Big scary guardian dog? :o
  9. Hav i made you gone mad? i b sry if i do. >:

  10. Hii anniiieeeeeeee. :3.

  11. Well, its not too late actually. xD

    and sry for the bother.

    Well, Im still a newb in photoshop,, and idk what to learn, for some reason i only know the basic.

    Can you tell me where i can learn to be a PRO in photoshop and spriting stuff in RO? >:o

    Again, Sry for the trouble.

  12. Poringly


    Lol cool, It would be easier to play for you then. xDD and hi men. :3.
  13. Well, here's mine(?) :x Bit diff. xD Source(s). The source is Big, so i crop it, not using the full image or w/e. Ign : S&H. Idk if this is nice since im still a newb :o
  14. Hmm, Let every item equipment got 4 slot's,Emp effect for +35 all stat,SGW Reduc 25% , Raw Reflect 50%, Thanatos Drop for more than 10%, Alice card to be 50% or more for reduc Mvp monster and got more damage from other by 50% :o etcetcetc. :D
  15. ^You mean this, Niro? v
  16. Poringly

    Dear Diary.

    Dear diary, I feel liek this is "I show off my diary to everyone :D" Or "I think everyone need to see my diary" o-o. xD Anyway, Im stuck to choose which one is the best :s End.
  17. Lol sry man, im kinda went Afk lot these days.. :x

  18. Ami, Can you help me? >:

  19. Poringly

    Dear Diary.

    Dear diary, Its post number #747 End.
  20. ^ :3.
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