Ok...bunny? O.o *off topic*
I like the increasing level idea! It gives the players something to continue to work for. If we were to do that, maybe a mini boss card (as Rei suggested) could be used for the second level, and a more useless boss card could be used for the third? Also, they shouldn't increase in value too much, but maybe having a little increase on these easier boss cards would maybe allow newer players to get donation coupons faster/earlier...But I also think that the stats shouldn't be determined by the color. Players should be able to choose which color they want for all stats...but that might be somewhat difficult. We don't have to, just a thought.
These lists could be good for the third level, if we do indeed go with the different levels. But I think that those bonuses might be a bit much for a quest...I think we should stick with the +2 to one stat, +4 to one stat, and +6 to one stat with maybe something small added to each level...
Ok, then, maybe a more simplified version of the list I proposed before could be used for the first level, without adding any MvP drops or cards.