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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Rayna

  1. Rayna

    Hello RO

    Hi, and welcome to fRO! If you need any help or want to talk for fun, PM Ryaiyu in game. ^^ I hope you enjoy your stay here!
  2. Hi, welcome to fRO. ^^ If you need any help or just want to talk, PM Ryaiyu in game. :) Enjoy your time here!
  3. Welcome to fRO~ If you ever need anything, just PM Ryaiyu. ^^ Other than that, enjoy your time here!
  4. Rayna


    Bye because he quit, I think... Anyway, welcome! Enjoy your time in fRO~ Feel free to PM Ryaiyu in game if you ever feel like it lol.
  5. Hmm...can't say much more than they did. ;3 But I'm sure you'll continue to enjoy your time on fRO. ^^ If you have any questions but are too nervous to ask a GM, you can always PM Ryaiyu in game. :) Hope to see you around~
  6. Rayna


    Hi. XD Man, older players are having fun introducing themselves all of a sudden...lol. Oh well, have fun playing, anyway~
  7. Rayna


    /swt It really does look great, though! You're just getting better as you go along. X3 Can't wait for the hode. :D
  8. Rayna

    Name`s Rommbu

    Welcome to Forsaken. <3 Also, if you need any help in game and for some reason don't want to ask a GM, you can PM or broadcast for Ryaiyu in game. Enjoy your stay and have fun!
  9. Rayna

    Quest Wings

    Feathers because they're wings. :D And that was only for the first level that I was suggesting. Anyway, before I actually post another list, I want kind of a semi-official idea here. A) Should we do the three-level idea? 1) If yes, should it be +2 to a stat each time? 2) Or just have +5% walking speed on the first level, then +3 to a stat on the next two? 3) Other ideas? B) Should it be just a single quest? C) Any other suggestions? If you have a different idea, please post it. I need input before I continue work on the list. :P
  10. Rayna

    Quest Wings

    *sigh* That is true, but people won't necessarily trade. Also, most people would want to keep a card worth that much for their own characters to use if they're just starting off. These wings offer an alternative to something like that. For voting wings, you have to get 45 vote coupons. That's 22 and a half days of voting IF you vote twice a day. I feel like we've been through this before. Ok, I'm going to try to make this clear so that people actually realize what I meant to achieve with this suggestion. This is a wing for new players, and Devotion suggested a way to keep players interested by going up through several levels. This is not meant to REPLACE any existing wings. The quest will be hard. That is a given. This is for people just starting off with little time on the game who want a pair of wings of their own. NOT for people lucky enough to get an MvP card to drop after they've built a good enough character or made enough friends that they can MvP. In a group, they'd likely have to share the profits anyway. You don't have to do the quest if you don't want to. It's giving these newer players a chance.
  11. Rayna

    Hey hey!

    Welcome to Forsaken! If you need any help in game and need more options than those two above, you can PM Ryaiyu. ._. Enjoy your time here~
  12. Rayna


    You and Luxie don't understand the word "spam". XDXD

  13. That's not spamming. D=


  14. Rayna


    LOL hi. What do fRO players do when the server's down? Go to the forums and do all the stuff they didn't do before! =_= Welcome, even though you've been here like a year longer than me...XD
  15. Rayna

    Quest Wings

    That's why the quest has to be long and arduous. It's not that big a bonus that it should upset anyone. Newbies won't be able to suddenly kill you in PvP because of these wings. And I believe we already agreed on a +5% walking speed bonus. Normal +15% would be overkill. Devo talked about the elemental resistance already... And I have an idea for the tiered quests. I'm working on it, but I'm cruising through every single item on ratemyserver.net before I make anything concrete. So, it'll take a while...the S's have 51 pages lol... I've been working on it since the server went down, so yea. x-x I'll try to get something posted tomorrow.
  16. Rayna


    Lol! The theatre I went to has giant everything, including a water bottle...I had to go really badly 5 minutes in, but I didn't want to leave. @_@ My excuse would be that I didn't get to enjoy it as much as I could have. :P
  17. I like the second one. The picture of a soldier coming out of an electric-like mist is very appealing to me. Also, I think it's a great idea that she went beyond a comic book hero to a real life one. The lettering in the upper left-hand corner stands out, but doesn't take away from the overall effect. /no1
  18. Rayna

    Quest Wings

    Uhm, back on the topic of wings... o.o Some other items that could be used would be: Giant Butterfly Wings Moth Wings Wing of Dragonfly So, any ideas for other lists for the quest?
  19. Rayna


    Saw it yesterday, it was great. <3 They HAVE to be making a third one...I wonder what it'll be about. ._. And I still love how Bumblebee talks in songs and quotes. XD
  20. Rayna

    hi! im back!

    Welcome back. :D Have fun~
  21. Rayna


    Welcome back. X3 Have fun in your return. :D
  22. Rayna


    Going to see it today, so excited. @_@
  23. Rayna


    Welcome to Forsaken! I like the art, very cute...as Ethereal and you previously said. /no1 Enjoy your time here, and if you need any help, PM Ryaiyu in game. :)
  24. Rayna

    My Hedgehog!

    :D So cute. <3 Captain Kirk would rock. X3
  25. Rayna


    Welcome! I know that paladins and gunslingers are very wanted in guilds, but I'm not sure what builds or gears they need. /wah If you need any other help, PM Ryaiyu in game. :)
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