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Everything posted by jetab

  1. jetab

    Damascus Event

    Here is my turning on phrase: "Te voy a dejar como un refrigerador, lleno de leche, carne y huevos". Bad translation: "I´m gonna leave you like a refrigerator: plenty of milk, meat and eggs". XD
  2. Is not a bad way... I have done this sometimes... but if there is someone more MVPing, you´d better use some Ygg or they could kill the MVP before you.
  3. O_O Ghostring has a lot HP too, now it survives more than 1 second... :D
  4. My sniper is like this: MVP: Composite Bow (1xBaphomet, 3xAbismal Kight) with the Bapho you will kill the most of the boss spawned monsters. PVP: Composite Bow (2xHidra, 2xSkeleton Worker) (better than 4xHidra) STR: 1 or little more for weight AGI: minimun to 195 ASPD VIT: 100 INT: 100 DEX: 300(really a little less) LCK:1
  5. jetab

    New Update!

    What are commands to assing the stats points quickly. Sorry, I have been searching, but I haven´t found the post where it is said. This could be usefull for this quest... :blush:
  6. No. someone stole it to him.
  7. jetab

    Finger Offensive

    Upps my bad, you are right...lol :blush:
  8. jetab

    New Update!

    Shit!... I can´t wait... I go home NOW!
  9. jetab

    New Update!

    Good day Kyle!. I´m working right now ;_; But im going home in 30 minutes... if you are online I´ll look for you, I need to train too.
  10. jetab

    New Update!

    hmmm... MVP give a lot of job exp, and cards. One cuestion... must we leave or current guild to do the Elite quest???
  11. Yeah, is a pain in the ass to be blamed when you are inocent(everybody understands that). But try to be in the GM point of view. GM usually are friendly and kind, but if someone is doing anything illegal like spammin or skill spamming is their job to mute them... If you were GM, and you catch someone doing any illegal action, do you REALLY wouldn´t be rude with him/her? well... skill spamming is even ruder... And since the are demihuman ;D they could make mistakes. So let it be... ---- Finishing this, check for virus (they could press your key) or if your keyboard is to old, one of the keys could have been blocked(and you could have a skill asigned to that key). This is extrange but possible...
  12. If it just happened once,them forget it. You haven´t got any "real" damage for being mute 10 minutes, don´t you think? It looks like this only happened to you...once. So... don´t worry, be hapy! XD
  13. jetab

    Finger Offensive

    The other day I noticed there was something extrange while collecting some YggBerrys with my Champion(Caramon Majere). But today i have no dout... When I kill a Soldier with @autoloot active if I use the Finger Offensive skill i dont get the Yggdrasil Berry, but if I kill it with the Investigate I get the berry. I have the all-in-one install. This happens only to me, is normal or is a bug?
  14. LOL! you post your pictures but not your age... I´ll try...you are 9'8 Just kidding! -->16/17
  15. 26-->27(in a month) But i still feel young, wait! im still young! :P
  16. jetab

    New Update!

    Yes, Genesis said that is going to be this night.
  17. jetab

    New Update!

    Genesis, what time do you plan to do the update? People from Europe gonna have any chance of getting the Forsaken set? (If you do it too late... I dont thing we could get it). :(
  18. jetab

    New Update!

    Yeah! , I love this new update... Thank you so much for your hard work GM ! :lol:
  19. jetab


    Hey Jer...(if you are so new then why your member number is 298?) Wellcome, i hope you enjoy this server. :P
  20. jetab

    This or that

    XBOX. Chocolate or Ice Cream :?
  21. Queen - Keep Yourself Alive.
  22. jetab

    Server Crash !!!!

    Hmmm...new events...? Could be Rambo event?
  23. don´t worry, the server is down for everyone.
  24. ^You wouldn´t say that in real life? why? LOL. Don´t take it that seriusly, i think they are just kidding, plus we are in offtopic(This is not about the game). ^_^ I wouldn´t say nothing about "Mr" bin laden (cough mother cough fucker! cough) or the officer´s nigger cock... LOL I´m to old (ah this crazy kids :P ) to say those things and i don´t want to be shooted or electrocuted.
  25. ^ Totally agree with you... but come to Spain... They have pretty bodies and sense of humor... Hmmmm, aaaah, arrfffff , orgasm, hmmm... and so... LOL
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