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Everything posted by jetab

  1. Hey, Like Michael Jackson. LOL (just kidding, we know you are father). ---------- My hobbies(unsorted): My girlfriend Games Films Books Parties ...
  2. TOMORROW I´LL START MY PLANS TO CONQUERE THE WORLD!!! Wait, I have already said that in real life (lol)... so I supose: NOTHING.
  3. Hell yeah! I´ll do it too...LOL There are too much games to play in one life. I need 1 UP. ;)
  4. Welcome Rinoâ, is nice to see that someone crazy and near my age is here too XD. I hope you enjoy this server. See you...
  5. Sorry, FoG sold. I have a lot of osiris dolls, I have a merchant 24/7 in Merchant Mall (IGN:Juan).
  6. DOH! :blink: I expected something like +300 all stats. ;) Well... nice wings anyway! ^_^
  7. O_O What that wings do??? What stuff we need to get those wings??? AAAh, I can´t wait!!! -------- EDIT -------- For now on!, If you GM need another volunteer (for Beta Tester or whatever) I offer myself... ;)
  8. Uff, today i can´t connect till late, let´s say from this post time +7 or +8 hours and for short time. But tomorrow ill have more time, and ill be connected by this actual time. We could try to call each other by the broadcast (without spamming). But i don´t know how to do a broadcast message. See you... @Jaz Min if you want, we can call you too for our new guild :) and sorry for using your post :blush:
  9. 4 hours!!! whoa!!! I would like to play that much... but i have to work, girlfriend, offline life... :P I could try to be online everyday, but im spanish so I´m online(server time) from 16:00-17:00 pm and 19:00-20:00 pm (somedays extrange days I can play from 16-20 (stopping to take dinner)) And in weekend I play, at random time... But we could try to do a guild... if you still want to.
  10. Yeah! me too! :D Till now there has been only 2 or 3 people online of my guild... :mellow:
  11. Welcome to my profile ;)

  12. There is one more reason: 3.- Some players are absent-minded. (I am... :blush: ) I just wanted to help, sorry if the idea was that bad. :( I always vote from work while I´m reading the forum, but when I´m in home playing I always forget to vote, the forum and the rest of the world, cause I´m already having a nice experience. But if something remembered me to vote I may vote. Maybe the broadcast idea was bad, but maybe if it was just a welcome message like the ones from the guilds...That may not bother our gameplay, don´t you think so?
  13. I vote everyday and its sad seeing this: :( Gamesites200 --> #15 Xtremetop100 --> #41 Hey Genesis, why dont you implement an in-game auto-broadcast every hour, to remind to people to vote.
  14. 1st Account: * jetab [120/???] Gunslinger (My 1st RO character, sucks!!!) * Yiraiya [255/200] Sniper (Main Character, sucks for now...) * Sturm Brightblade [90/??] Paladin (Not ready yet) * Radagast [255/255] High Wizard (Farmer, Supporter in LMS) * Caramon Majere [90/70] Champ (Not ready yet) 2nd Account: * Juan [70/??] Merchant (Visit my 24/7 shop) {out of supplies right now :( --> all sold ;) } ufff, how sad... all my characters sucks!
  15. jetab

    Hewo to everyone~

    Hi Rude, I don´t know what PK means, so i can´t help... :( I has been KSed lot of times but i really dont mind while the monster they steal me is a normal one(there are lots of them...), if you want to see KS go to for_fild02. :blink: .with this i always strike-back, is funny... at least whith my high wizard. I normally ignores the rest of the people but spamming SG and not hitting people is hard although is not my intention... But when it is a mini-boss(GR,maya purple,...) uummm that hurts, till know I have never reported anyone, but I´ll do. And when i have been KS with a MVP, AAAARGH!!! that is really annoying but it is allowed(it can´t be helped). :angry: By the way, dont bother reporting any illegal action you see(some people always have been stupid, and they will always be) and try to enjoy the game, when you are KSed you only lose few seconds re-warping. At least while you dont lose something really important. This is a great server(everybody tells this^_^), i have never been on another server but i love this one the way it is... Don´t let those idiots ruin it to you... See you.
  16. I was there yesterday with my high wizard (Radagast) collecting berries, and i didn´t see anyone botting. How can i notice if someone is botting?
  17. Hi all... I´d like to know if there is a guild of people in my timezone (GTM or GTM+1) cause is hard to be online at the same time with people on further timezones. And if this guild doesn´t exist then let´s make a decent guild (10 people or more if possible). So... if you are interested in making this guild, just post here and then if there are enough people we will make it. I´m very noob in RO so if any of you want to be de Guild master just post it here too. --------Para los que no sepan ingles --------------------------------------------------------- Hola a todos... Me gustaría saber si hay un guild de gente de mi zona horaria (GTM or GTM+1) porque es jodido estar online al mismo tiempo con gente de zonas horarias lejanas. Y si este guild no existe, entonces vamos a hacer un guild decente (10 personas o más, si es posible). Luego... si estas interesado en hacer este guild, simplemente postea aquí y entonces si estamos suficiente gente, lo crearemos. Yo soy muy novato en RO osea que si cualquiera de vosotros quiere ser Guild master que lo postee aquí también.
  18. Amen to that. ---------------- EDIT ------------------ Although sometimes its funny to attack ramdom (sometimes win sometimes lose) just for fight(PVP), and if i get killed i TRY to take revenge on the one that killed me(thats really funny). But I don´t like to see people attacking always the same person for any stupid reason...
  19. Uffff... :mellow: Im a bit newbie,... I only have two caracter at high level, and one is on Laxation and the other in Bloody_Clan(the "most hated guild"). Due to his recruit everything on the screen mode. But knowing this... Im going to leave both of them, and look for a little guild without this kind of gansters or mafia or whatever this is... I understand one thing that laxation people may want to do...that is attack a pro when you get a strong caracter(someday i´d like to try, thats PvP for, isn´t it?), to see how strong a caracter is against others. But 10 vs 1... (what a bunch of cowards). I understand you get angry cause i get angry when 2 or 3 people attack me at the same time...(i always get killed <_< ). I´m definetly going to leave those guilds(I dont want that any pro crash me everytime they see me).
  20. ^ wins, he is COOL FOREVER AND EVER...and he is gonna make a new caracter named "iCool". COMPLETELY OFFTOPIC: UFFFF What a mess... I told you i have a basic level english learned on school long time ago, so i don´t understand wtf "he thinks about /wrist'ing" means. And either didn´t know that "Cold hearted" == "Cool" (isn´t it obvious?). I thought Ukraine is a cold country in the weather way...snow, low temp...you know... cold. I first posted in this topic cause I thought it was funny, but is tiring. I leave this topic before it gets E-Drama(for me at least, it is frustrating to don´t understand completely a language). I don´t want to ruin your fun to you and your cool people closed circle. So post whatever you want. -_- Bye
  21. ^ Is misunderstanding me. Cold in the way of cold hearted, not cool. :P Plus, Ukrania it´s supposed to be a cold country (Need I to explain you everything?) -_- OFFTOPIC: Aarrgh!, don´t be ahead cause my bad english, that is not fair. :mad:
  22. ^ thinks he is "cool", but he really is cold. -_- (Nothing mine wants to fit anything yours, so keep dreaming... :P )
  23. ^ loves Russians. <still crying by the last iHunt post about him (;_; sob sob).
  24. ^ Want to be a horse. :P
  25. jetab

    the White Rose

    O_O ............ .......... ........ What the hell was that? OK ok. LOL! Just relax... .............. Fiuhhh. Now, Im ready. I would like to be recruited by your guild. I have a 255 Sniper (IGN: Yiraiya)I play everyday 1 or 2 hours but i live in Spain(Timezone: GMT +00:00 or +01:00) But I think I could play some of the saturday WoE(althought here is too late..). And one more thing, hapy birthday Kingdom! :lol:
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