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Main Hand Dagger

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sup!! i wanna suggest to convert or maybe make a dagger that is only intended for the main hand like how the sinxcrit was made.

reason is ive been trying out dag pvp build and im having difficulty switching my mhd(main hand dagger) coz if i try to switch to an alternate mhd i would need to remove the dag first then equip the new mhd and i would mess up at times equipping 2 main hand intended daggers at the same time which obviously makes me more vulnerable and also the dags tend to be identical so looking for the proper dag is bothersome. backsliding to switch is really difficult and could cost precious seconds, smart players would notice me then if i backslide and switch. i use to carry 2 sinxcrits so while im still hitting them i could easily switch to an alternate main hand weapon without the worry of putting it in my slave hand.

im thinking already that most breaker sinx would be against this for the new daggers since most of them use 2 of the intended emp breaking dags. so maybe you can do this for the f.dag since its rarely used for breaking afaik and just for the heck of it add a +5 dex to the f.dag. CHEERS!! :D

also move the healer npc in payon. the healer and kafra npc are too faraway from each other unlike the other town maps.

looking forward to read your feedbacks and rants(I WILL SEE YOU IN FOR_FILD!!!) xD

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I dont usually help people on stuff like that, but you cant have on your /bm slot with katar and the daggers and switch it really fast. or you can just leave the equips alt+e and alt+q open and double click on the weapon and equips it. also using bm its easier becuase you can have your elemental in there so when you switching or getting dispelled is faster to use the element you want.


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actually i do use bm and in fact i made use of all 3 slots. armors, cloaks, shields, accessory, converters, buffs, skills and ofc seeds. so you dont have to lecture me about bm. i use 3 mhd and i intend to add more based on what i would need. dag build already cost me 2 slots since i sacrificed them to put in sand attack and meteor. the issue as i said is if i did switch to a katar id risk it if my target had high damage output.backslide to switch is just inconvenient unlike the luxury of crit type sinx being able to dish out a new main wep with just 1 press

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I have 6 daggers(7 if I wanted to use 2 main hand daggers, one thana and one incant) then add the Edge sword. I do understand the difficulty but I played dagger sinx in the old days, and by now I am used to double clicking the main hand off the alt+q window then double clicking it in the alt+e window. So with this suggestion accepted or not, I don't really mind. And honestly, you don't use much skills in dagger sinx anyway, you auto-attack and keep switching while spamming seeds. It should not take you more than a 2 seconds to switch your main hand even with double clicking it.

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I have 6 daggers(7 if I wanted to use 2 main hand daggers, one thana and one incant) then add the Edge sword. I do understand the difficulty but I played dagger sinx in the old days, and by now I am used to double clicking the main hand off the alt+q window then double clicking it in the alt+e window. So with this suggestion accepted or not, I don't really mind. And honestly, you don't use much skills in dagger sinx anyway, you auto-attack and keep switching while spamming seeds. It should not take you more than a 2 seconds to switch your main hand even with double clicking it.


again -1 for the top, people in fRO want everything easy, in their hands. as i said switching katar+shield+weapon you want isnt that hard take only 3 keys.

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lol..should i repeat again or summarize it. hows "I KNOW HOW TO USE BM" sound.

alright then. ill note why this suggestion can be less of a burden for a dag type sinx

1. fighting pros - have you seen players such as champs spam like airi and taeyoung to name a few. if i would switch to a katar while being in the line of fire of a tss it would rape me

2. delays and pings - did you consider that my ping or even others isnt as good as everyone elses. ive noticed how sluggish the switching speed becomes as the day goes on.

3.1 inconvenience - as an example ray has given he uses 6 main daggers and ill assume that these 6 daggers are identical all are lets say f.dag but varies in cards. reading each after removing the current main wep then switching to the intended main hand wep is really bothersome. i got 3 dags atm but ill be adding 2 more

3.2 inconvenience - what?!? should i keep track on the wep and preparing it to switch rather than focus more on my hp?? and again im already switching different stuff usually armors, shields, element. cant a melee char take a break?

4. its already there - i mean crit type sinx got no issue switching their main wep since sinxcrit automatically goes to their main hand. no worries about getting the shield unequipped there. why shouldnt this be done for a wep for a dag type sinx?

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^ on the 6 daggers, not all of them are identical, I knew it would be a burden to do that anyway, so when I was using them, I got 3 f daggers(the incant and thana for the main hand, then the normal 2x tg 2x skel worker), two were sandstorm daggers(strip, coma, WS and dispel daggers) and then one last(mailbreaker), then the edge.

on the katar switch to dagger. I myself never used it but it seems easy enough to do while doing backslide+cloak. that should give you enough time, you got those skills for a reason, don't be the normal crit people.

Dagger sinx,imo, takes more skill in pvp than the crit ones, because it is rewarding to do so if you got them right. And cmon, at least you will win in a fight against crit sinx, every crit sinx I fought on my dagger always say "no cloaking" when we duel.

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