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The End

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my time might be up here ;) i might start playing WOW with some of my friends in real life i might be back to pk some time (oh and there's a surprise that might happen too).

so watch out!

Yeah a big surprise.


but, but, but... WHEREZ MY MONEY AT? *Thana and emperium aurora's count as money too. /gg*

Anyways, peace nigz.

my time might be up here ;) i might start playing WOW with some of my friends in real life i might be back to pk some time (oh and there's a surprise that might happen too).

so watch out!

Yeah a big surprise.

Drifted to the dark side Sangreal has.

Drifted to the dark side Sangreal has.

Lol, it's Blade.

Damn, Pete. Had to go gay on us. /shy

Anyways, peace nig.



Peace sang. When you get bored of WoW, we'll throw you a party and you'll admit we were all right. :)

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