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Cursed Soul, Jack Castle Bat, Giant Horn Helm, Evil Druid

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Posted (edited)

Suggesting a VALKYRIE Version for the following HEADGEARS


1. Cursed Soulhttp://imgur.com/a/Lk5Zt ( Always visible - moving or not moving )

2. Jack Castle Bathttp://imgur.com/a/7czOe

3. Giant Horn Helmhttp://imgur.com/a/BimKC

4. Evil Druid Hathttp://imgur.com/a/DywB0


Those headgears looks really nice to me

What do you think? ^^

Edited by Norse_Joog

More variety with Valkyrie Expansions is nice +1

In addition to this, can the GMs add a marking to differentiate a Valkyrie Expansion from a Legendary one. Like what they did with the LHZ aura. Just to avoid scamming of the 2 counterparts.

Posted (edited)


and +1 trans even though he's g3y

Edited by Specter

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