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Daily Log In Reward :d

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I would like to suggest a new way of getting activity tokens :D

It will be given trough having been able to log in simultaneously in the game. Like being able to log in in the game every day will give out continuous amount of Activity tokens

For Example.

1st Day = 1 Activity Tokens

2nd Day = 2 Activity Tokens
3rd Day = 3 Activity Tokens
Until . . .

7th Day = 7 Activity Tokens

The max activity tokens for logging in each day would only be 7, and if you logged in in your 8th Consecutive day you will still receive 7 Activity Tokens.
and if 1 day passes without you logging in, the counter will restart.

This will help our server a lot, by making players be more active. It may only be a small reward system but it will be really beneficial to everyone.

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This won't help people become active that much, I can just log-in then log-off after just to receive activity tokens everyday so I can receive more on the 7th.

Inactive people won't be convinced to be active again just by having this certain system.

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Its only the start.

Specially now that events are being held almost always.

and just logging in to your RO account takes a little of your time, and to compensate that you will be rewarded with activity tokens.

Giving out Activity Tokens Through this way doesnt hurt our econ at all.

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The system for Activity Tokens is fine at the moment, it encourages people to be active because they can only receive those kinds of tokens by staying for hours ingame.

If they really want to receive those tokens, and the server wants the players to be active ingame, wouldn't it be better if we kept the way it is supposed to be?

It might be hard to code with only a few benefits.

But if it'll be easy, then probably giving the players 1 Activity Token whenever they online everyday would be sufficient and make the coding easier.

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The system for the Activity Token now is quite good but at the same time ridiculous, how can you really say that they are active and online? or maybe they are just on afk?

How about we do some revision to my suggestion.

We still give daily Log in Bonus but after 30Mins of being online? How does that sound?

1hr=1act tok will still be there though

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How can you also say that they will be active just by going online everyday? The people who AFKs to farm Activity Tokens can farm more with this system you are trying to suggest and it will produce no changes, it will be the same thing over and over again.

30 mins of being online wouldn't make that much change, it will only provide the coders/scripters (Genesis) more work when he could've done something that would benefit the server more.

It will be like, getting 2 Activity Tokens in 1 hour after you go online. It would possibly be better if the players will receive a 2-3 Activity Tokens on their first hour online during the day and the 1-2 Activity Tokens will be a gift for going online and also being active for 1 hour.

It won't make that much change and will give more work for the coders though.

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Code code code, i know that coding ths wouldnt be a piece of cake.

But its only a one time struggle. The effects of having such new system

Would be long-term. Fine then, a revision to my suggestion in an hour of

Being active, besides having the normal activity tokens, the player will also be

Rewarded of the log in b0nus. And for the matter of that afk thing,

The more people online, the more that the server is being occupied there for server

Lags would somehow be one of the results.

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Giving Activity Tokens for logging-in won't increase the number of players going online that much, it could probably increase to 10-15, and that's it.

What could probably increase the number of players online is to have a certain system/project/quest that would really caught the attention of people, and perhaps ease their boredom more rather than farming Activity Tokens. I will be going back to the topic since I am kinda getting off-topic.

If people would agree to having atleast 2-4 more Activity Tokens on their first hour in a day, then why not? Though I predict that it won't produce a big change to the number of players online in the server, just people having to get more Activity Tokens, it won't ease their boredom, it will just give them more headgears to wear, once they are tired of looking at their characters, then they might probably go inactive again.

Edited by Victoria
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Atm the activity token system is pretty good. As victoria said, players might just become opposite of being active since you login for just a minute and you get the activity tokens instantly.. I've known players who really afked 24/7 to get specific items but changing the system would result in longer hours of waiting.. Days to be exact.

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To Be clear.

1.We Will NOT CHANGE the current system that we have

2.This will only SERVE as a BONUS.

3.REVISION to the original thing that i have suggested is that, people will be given the activity token reward after a specified Time.
4.I don't See any harm on this new system because it does not replace the current system that we have and at least a little point in increase is very beneficial already.
5.To be Continued.

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To Be clear.

1.We Will NOT CHANGE the current system that we have

2.This will only SERVE as a BONUS.

3.REVISION to the original thing that i have suggested is that, people will be given the activity token reward after a specified Time.

4.I don't See any harm on this new system because it does not replace the current system that we have and at least a little point in increase is very beneficial already.

5.To be Continued.

We know that we won't change the system that we have with this suggestion, the reason we said that the Activity Tokens System is good right now is because we think that we shouldn't have to add or remove something from it.

If it'll be some sort of Bonus as you stated, therefore they should do it during seasonal events so the players will earn benefits and would be able to join the fun more.

Yes, it might somehow be beneficial to some people, and might be abused also.

Edited by Victoria
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As sort of a seasonal event... Why not? its a good thought though.
Maybe Monthly? Twice a Month? Weekly?

hmm in terms of it being abuse, its not like they will get more item out of it, its just for activity tokens.
How will they tend to abuse it and be more beneficial?
they will just log in then log out? then receive activity toks? then? they can only trade it for items at the token trader for activity items, then what more?

It cant even be traded or be dropped. It what ways can people abuse it more for?

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As sort of a seasonal event... Why not? its a good thought though.

Maybe Monthly? Twice a Month? Weekly?

hmm in terms of it being abuse, its not like they will get more item out of it, its just for activity tokens.

How will they tend to abuse it and be more beneficial?

they will just log in then log out? then receive activity toks? then? they can only trade it for items at the token trader for activity items, then what more?

It cant even be traded or be dropped. It what ways can people abuse it more for?


First of all, I want you to calm down, if you are irritated in me for giving my opinion, then I guess it would be better if I stop talking and suggesting a better way for your idea to be implemented.

Back to the topic, they can get more items from it, I only go online for a few hours and I already bought about 2 Activity Headgears, and I only played for about 4 months total. Having this certain system can make the people who tend to farm Activity Tokens get all the headgears, and what will happen then? your goal of having more people online will decrease because believe it or not, those who farm Activity Tokens actually does contribute to the number of people online ingame.

I would agree to having this kind of system like I said, on seasonal events though, it would add to the benefits the player gets and would give them more chances of getting headgears (since most seasonal events does have new quests headgears and such)

Edited by Victoria
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People who have many ALTs will have an advantage (?). Unless it will also be like the vote system where you can't vote again at the same IP.

Edited by Calcifer
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I see no use out of it really. Activity tokens are there as a bonus already. And we all know that if you are really serious in pvping or woe, there are only a few activity token headgears worth getting. This will not make me active one way or the other. While daily log in rewards works on most modern rpgs or even mobile rpgs, it doesn't work well in a game where farming for hours is needed.

the events and stuff already is able to make players go online. I would of course want daily quests similar to most modern rpgs,however, it isn't ideal in an RO environment. RO is a grinding game to begin with. Introducing more quests that actually help in endgame is better than a measly daily reward where it would be pointless to get and will sit in your inventory once you get the item you want.

The problem I see is that MOST quest items are only usable with legendary gears when we have vote sets easily available. In essence, legendary gears are just there UNTIL you get enough votes for vote sets. Sadly we only have one headgear for vote sets as well. If we had a headgear like ship captain hat that actually helps whatever gear you are using, and make that a quest item, this would be good.

The other thing is that the Dragoon system we have. Almost none do that simply because there is no advantage at this moment. I know Genesis is planning on expanding it though, so we might have to wait for that.

The Ring quests are actually good quests, except for the fact that it is too much farming. If we have quests that UPGRADES items we already have, in a similar fashion as the Ring quests, we will have more people going online. And of course having items that are actually account locked will make it more that people need to do the quests, instead of just buying it off people(which is what happened to the ring quest).

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I see.

Farming A.toks for some limited useful head gears, its true. and note that i am not irritated or what. We are just having a reflective discourse here in order for us to achieve the main goal in where we want this server to become better.

so next, i agree with rayray, now i think maybe a monthly quest perhaps? then a reward will be given out? comes with some A.toks that will be seasonal with the given quests? Different quest per Month.

Like Health month. Health quest. and etc.

And just to add, for those alts, i think its better to implement the IP system like in the vote.

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I see.

Farming A.toks for some limited useful head gears, its true. and note that i am not irritated or what. We are just having a reflective discourse here in order for us to achieve the main goal in where we want this server to become better.

so next, i agree with rayray, now i think maybe a monthly quest perhaps? then a reward will be given out? comes with some A.toks that will be seasonal with the given quests? Different quest per Month.

Like Health month. Health quest. and etc.

And just to add, for those alts, i think its better to implement the IP system like in the vote.

I don't think Rayray is actually pertaining to having a quest give out Activity Tokens, and it is called "Activity Tokens" for a reason.

That would require alot of work to have different quests every month, do remember that our scripters also have something happening in their real lives and an update comes after a few months together with a few fixes.

An Activity Token bonus on seasonal events will do for your suggestion.

I see no use out of it really. Activity tokens are there as a bonus already. And we all know that if you are really serious in pvping or woe, there are only a few activity token headgears worth getting. This will not make me active one way or the other. While daily log in rewards works on most modern rpgs or even mobile rpgs, it doesn't work well in a game where farming for hours is needed.

the events and stuff already is able to make players go online. I would of course want daily quests similar to most modern rpgs,however, it isn't ideal in an RO environment. RO is a grinding game to begin with. Introducing more quests that actually help in endgame is better than a measly daily reward where it would be pointless to get and will sit in your inventory once you get the item you want.

The problem I see is that MOST quest items are only usable with legendary gears when we have vote sets easily available. In essence, legendary gears are just there UNTIL you get enough votes for vote sets. Sadly we only have one headgear for vote sets as well. If we had a headgear like ship captain hat that actually helps whatever gear you are using, and make that a quest item, this would be good.

The other thing is that the Dragoon system we have. Almost none do that simply because there is no advantage at this moment. I know Genesis is planning on expanding it though, so we might have to wait for that.

The Ring quests are actually good quests, except for the fact that it is too much farming. If we have quests that UPGRADES items we already have, in a similar fashion as the Ring quests, we will have more people going online. And of course having items that are actually account locked will make it more that people need to do the quests, instead of just buying it off people(which is what happened to the ring quest).

There is already a suggestion about the Daily Quest, Click Here to read

As for the quests, I'll try to see if I can come up with quests that are similar to this. Thank you for giving your insights! :th_thx:

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