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Most Fun Moba Game Role I Ever Played

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Lately i got tired of playing support. Buy wards there, heal them here, deaths everywhere. And what's my reward for doing all those things..... Nothing, just a bitter streak of 10 Defeat

Usually i'm 50/50 with carries since i was like, " Hey! i'm carrying. Trust me, i got this :D" 30 mins later the entire teams dream crushed to bits. Totally my fault tbh ( i know, i know, i suck at carrying no hate comments)

After that I went to tanking. Oh boy, i loved tanking a little since i'm a decent Darius at LoL and it's pretty much fun when your enemies can't even dent your HP and they're running for their lives knowing you're unstoppable

My recently played role is INITIATOR! Screw the smart asses planning for team fight, I'll lead you to victory.... or maybe an awful demise and crushing defeat, but heck! our clash will be Legendary! No more waiting for that one scrub on a 5v5 team fight he'll or she'll be just annihilated quickly. It's either they'll wipe out our team or we'll wipe out and dance on their graves! The thrill of knowing if your enemies were prepared to die or they we're well prepared to kill and wipe you all out is just freakin fantastic. And if you manage to live from a clash like that, You'll feel pretty badass and pro.... Mostly pro.

I'll be honest here i haven't played LoL for 6 months and i pretty much forgot my acc...... Plus, i only play on my free time i've been doing a lot of acitvities lately.


When I still play Dota 2 and HoN, I usually play the role of Initiator/Support/Roamer. Basically I do buy wards and shit, but my gameplay is mostly me running in and stunning a target and for teammates to pray on. I mostly play Vengeful Spirit and similar characters that can do that. The most successful character that has that suicidal tendencies is probably Batrider in Dota 2, and Electrician in HoN.

I don't really give a shit on my death streaks nor kill streaks as long as we win. A college friend of mine who only uses Lycan uses a similar suicidal gameplay but he wrecks towers as fast as he can while I roam around trying to kill stuff. We can win 80% of the time if there was no retard on our team(like one time I saw a crystal maiden making a basher)


Lately i got tired of playing support. Buy wards there, heal them here, deaths everywhere. And what's my reward for doing all those things..... Nothing, just a bitter streak of 10 Defeat

Usually i'm 50/50 with carries since i was like, " Hey! i'm carrying. Trust me, i got this :D" 30 mins later the entire teams dream crushed to bits. Totally my fault tbh ( i know, i know, i suck at carrying no hate comments)

After that I went to tanking. Oh boy, i loved tanking a little since i'm a decent Darius at LoL and it's pretty much fun when your enemies can't even dent your HP and they're running for their lives knowing you're unstoppable

My recently played role is INITIATOR! Screw the smart asses planning for team fight, I'll lead you to victory.... or maybe an awful demise and crushing defeat, but heck! our clash will be Legendary! No more waiting for that one scrub on a 5v5 team fight he'll or she'll be just annihilated quickly. It's either they'll wipe out our team or we'll wipe out and dance on their graves! The thrill of knowing if your enemies were prepared to die or they we're well prepared to kill and wipe you all out is just freakin fantastic. And if you manage to live from a clash like that, You'll feel pretty badass and pro.... Mostly pro.

I'll be honest here i haven't played LoL for 6 months and i pretty much forgot my acc...... Plus, i only play on my free time i've been doing a lot of acitvities lately.

Brother, don't underestimate supports. Honestly, my best friend (a guy) is a support main and he always knows it's worth playing it. They can be initiators too :D


Right now in League, I'm a solo-top main due to the champs I tend to main (Tryndamere, Yasuo, Riven, etc)

And even as solo-top, I still buy wards. Wards should be bought by everyone in League (and Dota 2 if possible, they got no trinkets.)

My secondary role is jungling, which is fun because it's like real-time chess. No waiting for turns, you have to think what the other jungler is at and if you can do steals.

And the best parts of jungling?

  • Drive-by Smite-ing (what I call for stealing objectives like Dragon/Baron and mobs like the Blue and Red.)
  • Disrespect Smite (my nickname for the blue Smite, because I tend to use it for lasthitting if it was too easy of a chase/kill)

My worst role, however, is AD Carry, or ADR in the Philippines.

Because: I can be imbalanced with it. It's either I'm fed or I'm rekt. Nothing in between.

But if I play ADC, my favorite champ to play it with is Graves, and sometimes Kalista.


Brother, don't underestimate supports. Honestly, my best friend (a guy) is a support main and he always knows it's worth playing it. They can be initiators too :D


Right now in League, I'm a solo-top main due to the champs I tend to main (Tryndamere, Yasuo, Riven, etc)

And even as solo-top, I still buy wards. Wards should be bought by everyone in League (and Dota 2 if possible, they got no trinkets.)

My secondary role is jungling, which is fun because it's like real-time chess. No waiting for turns, you have to think what the other jungler is at and if you can do steals.

And the best parts of jungling?

  • Drive-by Smite-ing (what I call for stealing objectives like Dragon/Baron and mobs like the Blue and Red.)
  • Disrespect Smite (my nickname for the blue Smite, because I tend to use it for lasthitting if it was too easy of a chase/kill)

My worst role, however, is AD Carry, or ADR in the Philippines.

Because: I can be imbalanced with it. It's either I'm fed or I'm rekt. Nothing in between.

But if I play ADC, my favorite champ to play it with is Graves, and sometimes Kalista.

Well it was fun being support and roaming because I never liked farming. At least I don't need items much

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