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Pk Off In Abyss_03

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so far as i know. the @noks is not working as it should be. and a different case on MvPs.

and the case on wiz spamming SG, they deal most damage already on mobs to the extent that the hp is already below 50% which will cancel the rule in "who dealt most damage" gets the drop. and as i said also on that post, i am not entirely sure as sometimes, drops are dropped on the map when someone already hit them before you.

If I'm not mistaken @noks prevents other players to attack the mob you are already attacking. But this wouldn't prevent other players from interfering since they can still kill you then kill the mob. Also, if @noks is already difficult to implement, how much harder would it be to do your anti KS code? I think the OP's suggestion to turn PK off or Rayray's other suggestion would be easier.
Regarding the Wizard's SG, I'm talking about for the MVP. Let's say there are lots of farmers casting SG all over, and one of them happen to hit Detale first is it really fair that he gets the drop just because the wiz hit the MVP first?

fully geared players can never always constitute as your smart/strong/advantageous type of player.

I'm not saying fully geared are always stronger or smarter, I was just making an analogy. It is true that you aren't necessarily better at hunting just because you have good gears since there are other factors involve. But your suggestion seems to want to eliminate the gearing factor since it would just be based purely on who gets there first.

as i said, it is nearly impossible to find a suitable variable for that, if not, i would like to ask your own suggestions on it.

If we would do my revised suggestion where we have PK off during weekdays (so the ungeared could come too) and PK on during weekends, I'd say about 7-8% on weekdays and 14-15% on weekends so it's more competitive.

even if it was discussed as i already read them before u even told me, it always leads to the same end point.

Alright, just making sure you read the other posts. Perhaps then ask me a series of questions or highlight/quote parts of my post that you found confusing instead of just saying my statements are ironical and misleading in general so I can actually reply properly?
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