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Counter Gtb?

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is there a way to counter the effects of GTB? some ROs have provided a way to nerf or lower the effect of GTB by 50% (a card that allows 50% magic damage to hit the target even with GTB, ect..). I think a card that is a BIT op and is almost always available in the market has made Wizards unnoticed in battle.


Wizards are underplayed not because of GTB, it is because of their HP. If they had enough HP like other magic classes, GTB is not an issue

Stave Crasher is there to counter GTB.


Strip, stave, stall.


proff and hw can counter with strave.. valk weapon have stats for increase strave damage.. and not all people will use that GTB cause if you dindt have more deff & not using usakoring 85% youll die on asura.. and you ll hard to deff from another damage from WS, Sniper & LK.. so better use switching.. :D

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