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Can Anyone Help Me What Is Good Acc For Sn If Mamonite/wth Thana

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what is good urds or loki seal if super baby hybrid build... wth thana


When I hybrid Baby I have both Urds w/ Siroma and Loki's with Str Rune but If you'll ask me to only have one I guess I'll get Loki's w/ Str Rune it's as Ray stated before in one of his thread about super babies 10K matk is enough plus it's easy to achieve with 4x Kingring and 2x FBH and also preference


Posted (edited)

Just buy all the stat accessories and you don't have to worry about this sort of problem. /sarcasm


Edited by Forum~

Rich enough = have both to switch to

not so rich= urds first then pump str so you carry more seeds.

also, i prefer using owl baron than str runes

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