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Fun Facts About You :d

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Well uhmm. im a big guy but got very small penmanship like font size 5 or 8 i guess LOL

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Lool you've got a very small pen.....manship lol GG ^

Fun fact about me: I have a thing for naturally blonde haired girls. :3

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hahaha. its always like. my classmates are on the 2nd page of a bond paper when doing assignments and here i am having used only the half of the bond paper LOL.

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I'd be happier if you continue x'3

PART 2 Especially for U~<3


(( P.S. other peeps WARNING got sum messed up GIF's Below :) dun scroll down if ur too young for scary shit ))


Oh I'm Kinda playing a game and watching sumthin too so..if stuff look weird or i type weird..srry i can't multitask :3

I think i left at 13?~....hmm? alright let's CoNtiNuE ^_^


Fact13. I rarely Finish sumthin...why? i dunno...maybe cuz...

Fact~14. I'm VERY IMPATIENT and

Fact~15. i get distracted way too easily 0.0;;) like...i'm cleaning...then i find an old game...so i go play...then while i'm playing i remember i still had ice cream..so i walk to the fridge and trip over a vacuum cleaner :) then i remember oh shit i was cleaning xD have more examples...but yeah dun wanna make a long post again xD


Fact~16.I'm extremly curious, so curious it got me in trouble way too many times... LOL i love those "No trespassing, Not Allowed, Do not touch~ signs" for example i got expelled once for bringing classmates during camp to a creepy old graveyard in the woods where no one was allowed 8D they said it was haunted..so i just had to check it out~ And i got blamed for bringing other ppl in danger xD tssssk like what could've happen? there were no Zombies! no Vampires! No ghosts! No Werewolfs! No Witches! NO NOTHIN :(


Fact~17. I LOVE SCARY SHIT...even tho...i'm easily scared lol....I only love horror asian type in particular...why?...cuz yeah..asian stuff is kinda better 0.0;;) and i'm raised like that..And all the crazy scary asian (bed time) stories just seem more real to me than western scary shit ( if ur asian u probably kno what i mean ) for example go to a haunted place in China....or a chinese cursed forest..or chinese graveyard... u will shit yo pants guaranteed! :D


Just imagine this in ur hallway....i mean c'mon .....gimme a better western scary thing..? Nightmare on elm street?? friday the 13th? nuh uh....this is scarier!!! D:


LOL i hope u will sleep tonight ; D


Alright I’ll stop before I cause nightmares here….^^;;) I got a other nice topic for that go here >> http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=28865 <<

Fact~18. I wished I had big bewbs…why? Cuz I got that stereotypical Asian tiny skinny 14 yr old body.. (~。~)


Fact~19. I’m scared..not just scared..terrified for hospitals…doctors…needles…sharp stuff…. So yeah…lol I guess I stay small.. :3

Fact~20. I HATE HAAAAAATE spiders….u can trigger me just by showing me a pic..i already have goosebumps talkin bout these scary bastards…they can srsly make me instantly go hysterically paranoid…nothing on earth can make me feel more fear than a damn disgusting bug like that….oh yea and worms…Uggh….. X__X

And with that Ladies & Gentleman…I call it enough for today


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you should NOT have told me what you were scared of ;3 giving me fuel to tease you with :P

and western scary shit... Hmm

> Insidious

> Woman In Black

> can't think of another one atm but there are some decent stuff out :P

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you should NOT have told me what you were scared of ;3 giving me fuel to tease you with :P

and western scary shit... Hmm

> Insidious

> Woman In Black

> can't think of another one atm but there are some decent stuff out :P

insidious..wasn't scary :( that was more kinda weird...

and woman in black was okii made me scream few times XD

but i mostly watch all the western ones when they come out...but for sum reason they all feel the same XD like i kno whats bout to happen :0

tumblr_m31c90ADWI1rqq8rwo1_500.gifBOO!~ :D

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insidious..wasn't scary :( that was more kinda weird...

and woman in black was okii made me scream few times XD

but i mostly watch all the western ones when they come out...but for sum reason they all feel the same XD like i kno whats bout to happen :0

tumblr_m31c90ADWI1rqq8rwo1_500.gifBOO!~ :D

there's something about children ghosts that's scarier than anything... i fuxxing HATE it xD


this bitch made me scared of last night showers until i was 18 lool xD

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LOL we r kinda...getting off topic XD

Anyone wanna tell more Fun facts? or do i have to write again? XD u guys all kno so much about meeee T_T

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Func fact about me:

I'm asian

I read Game of Thrones

I like seranading certain girls ;3

I used to talk in a Hoodrat London Slang for quite a few years but I realised that I sounded like a fucking idiot so i stopped xD

yall gotta buy me dinner first you wanna know more ;)

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Func fact about me:

I'm asian

I read Game of Thrones

I like seranading certain girls ;3

I used to talk in a Hoodrat London Slang for quite a few years but I realised that I sounded like a fucking idiot so i stopped xD

yall gotta buy me dinner first you wanna know more ;)

aww....i guess i'm not special enough...owkaaay... ( ._.) and here i thougt we had sumthin special.....

XD ah.. i used to talk singlish.....so horrible!!! chinese ppl would talk to me on the phone and think i'm chinese whahhaah xD

And now sound like...a asian with a light accent i guess? still can't pronounce a proper...R my R sounds like a W...example: Omg it's w®aining outside!

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LOL ok MAAAAYbe..when my voice returns! (*^*)

Cuz atm i still sound like a old lady thats been smoking for 50 yrs and is bout to cough out her lungs xD

I'll let u wait for my sexeh voice ;D


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I'll hold you you to that ;3

Fun Facts about me:

> When I start a game, book, show, whatever.. I have to finish it; regardless how long it is. I don't like leaving things unfinished :P

> I cook ;3

> After being on & off the server for 7 yars, im stll a fucking nub.

> Aerofox is taking long with le signature

> I didn't join Avalanche because of glory or whatever. I joined them because the people that helped me the most since i came back 2 months ago are in there :P (soppy fucker)

> My music taste is very ecclectic.

> I seriously want to murder One Direction.

> My Oldest character in fRO is an assassin cross called Mr. Biggles

> I liek turtlez.


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IDK what is fun but one fact about me is that I am into Zodiacs, let's say I am curious so I check birth dates of some people I [just] knew to have gist of their supposed personality then try to assess if his/her Zodiac would hit a target trait. :P Weird eh? But It's fun doing that. :]

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IDK what is fun but one fact about me is that I am into Zodiacs, let's say I am curious so I check birth dates of some people I [just] knew to have gist of their supposed personality then try to assess if his/her Zodiac would hit a target trait. :P Weird eh? But It's fun doing that. :]

Lool check mine :P 4th/Oct/1992 xD

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Lool check mine :P 4th/Oct/1992 xD

A Libra eh? According to google, if you're a Libra one thing you love is balance or fairness in everything, you like to be with people or with someone special perhaps, you've an easy-go-lucky attitude but you're an indecisive person 'cause you don't like to be in a rough situation. Oh, google says Libras are charming and elegant, intelligent and are liked by many 'cause they're eager to please anyone, a listener who loves to be appreciated, loves to be the center of the crowd/group, creative and are open to changes. Rings a bell? xD

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