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L.weap For Babies?

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Please allow babies to wear legendary weapons. T_T Please please. If there's a reason why they don't allow that, I'd love to hear that.


yeah me too. i thought babies can wear L.weaps O.O



Could you please list which classes you have that cannot wear the legendary weapons? My Super Baby can wear the legendary novice weapon.

Although you cannot quest it on a baby character, you have to quest it in a normal character.


I have a 255/255 baby priest and i can't wear my l.book. Some say only baby novice can wear l.weap.


Imma say that this is a bug, since babies can wear the valk weapons.


AAaahhhh!!!!! I wanna wear my l.book....


i don't really get how balanced it is when it comes to babies, to such babies have already additional 2k stats and still can wear L.weaps.

specially the SuperBaby (Super Novice in baby appearance) =_=


Idk about that 2k stats.. But babies can wear Valk Weapons, why not legendaries? I think Ray's right, it's some sort of bug.


well, all baby jobs, whenever they had their reset stats, and by clicking the baby stat RESETer twice, it will additional 2k stat points. the 7.4k stat points whenever you had your knight set is not yet included there. meaning if you had the knight quest, and you're in 255/255 level, the total stat points you have have will be 9.4k

Posted (edited)

what more i can say.. +1 i would like to see more babies on pvp and WoE. it will be +50% cuteness and +50% coolness! 100% all in all! XD

Edited by jameslamela

O.O I just got my extra 2k stat points.


^ even with the 2k stats for babies, they aren't much of a threat compared to trans class (except Super Babies, which still has a huge disadvantage if you remove their armor so they ain't that godly). My other baby characters can wear the valk weapons, I don't see the reason why the legendary weapons aren't allowed for the baby characters. Add the fact that Super Babies can wear the L.Novice weapon, I find it unfair for the other babies not able to wear it.


Hope they'd include this on the next update.

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