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More Seed Room

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I would like to suggest to make more seed rooms.. for example

Seed Room 1

Seed Room 2

Seed Room 3

if possible.. because sometimes there are tons of people inside the seed room and i can only manage to hunt 30-40seedtix in an hour instead of 50-60seedtix which is low. it would really help us seed farmers and will surely reward our efforts :)



why -1? O.o


why -1? O.o

well... i think its not necessary.. when i farm seeds, the most people i found inside are only 2-3 atmost.. sometimes only one or only me.... besides.. those usakorings spawns so fast.. 1 will spawn automatically right after killing another one.. theres enough for everyone... even youre 4 in the said room...

thats my opinion... idk with you guys...? nice suggestion though... XD


I might redo the entire seed room structure and move it to more of a MvP Room model.

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