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C# / Psm Sdk

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Does anybody here know the coding language C# and familiar with Playstation Mobile Studio?

Need help pl0x.


I am not that good in C# but I could ask my girlfriend about it since she develops in that language. what do you need?


Oh cool, great.

Well normally we use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 to create programs etc.

But the project I have uses Playstation Mobile Studio, its very similar.

I have this game building up. The game is working.

I have a client too, which I think is working, if not it needs minor twitching. (This is where we are suppose to save and load)

But now I need to save and load highscores.

In terms of saving and loading.

Saving; Saving top 5 highscore to the client. (I already made an array that holds 5 spaces)

Loading; Retrieving the top 5 highscore from the client.

Ray do you or she have a playstation mobile studio?

I think it be better if you and your gf can see my working, so that you have a better picture of what I am trying to say. XD

I would send you my code.


I would send you a legal copy of the PlayStation Mobile Studio so you could open it up and see what my problem.

Kay ehm, just reply back.

Thanks in advance.

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