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Help For Build,stats And Cards For Hw

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gears :

head = F.knight [ 2 kiel]

middle = Zod [1 kiel ]

lower = scarf [ ur choice ]

armor = Knight armor [ 1 tao +1gr or ur choice]

weps = 2 L.weps [4 kingring for magic & 1 incan 2tg 1 skel for stave]

shield = Knight shield [gtb or usakoring]

cloak = Knight cloak [ 2 raydric, 2 skoll, 1 raydric+1 skoll, 2 noxious, ect ect ur choice]

shoes = Knight shoes [ 2fbh for stave crash, ur choice ]

accecoris =

2 int gautlet

stats :

str = till u can bring 200 seed [ur choice]

vit = till got 100k hp more [ ur choice ]

agi = till got 195 for spam stave crash

int = till 10k matk [ur choice]

dex = total 150 for instant cast

luk =1

thats all for basic. just try experiment and find ur own best build.


I suggest you be a stave crasher HW.. because it can damage even though your target is wearing GTB.. and if your pure magic and your target has GTB.. your already doomed. try to balance it.. Stave Crasher and Magic.. use magic first and if they aren't gettting hit use stave crasher then.. :))


Cheap HW...

Get your basic Knight set from doing the knight quest.

Farm for for quest to get your int ganutlets.

Do the legendary weapon quest. Remember these quest only a few hours. Depnds has fast you farm it should be quick to make your legendary weapon.

Vote to get +20 all stats gear. (example, Fallen Ghost)

You can make quest items and sell for tokens then buy mvp cards from people.

Kaosed has pretty much explain the stats.



int - 285 (atleast)

dex - 150 (total dex)

vit - set vit till 120k-130k HP (with tao)

agi - set agi till 195 aspd after setting dex (optional)

str - till you can carry 100 berries or 200 seeds

luk - 1 "i dont believe in luck...lol"


upper head - vote piamette ears (kiel)

middle head - snow flakes aura (kiel)

lower head - vote scarf (kiel)

armor - vote king armor (GR+tao) and extra knight armor (rsx+GR)

weapon - L.wiz staff (4 kingring)

shield - 1 vote king shield (uskoring) and 2 extra knight shields(maya/GTB)

cloak - 1 vote king cloack (2 raydric) and 2 extra knight cloack (2skoll/2noxious)

boots - vote king boots (2FBH)

accessories - 2 L.int gounts

note: you can use silver mvp cards in the absence of real mvp cards... but take note not to use 2 silver fbh, better use 2 uber poporing instead...


- all aoe skills "but i prefer storm gust and lord of vermillion combo"

- jupitel thunder

- deluge & water ball "combo"

- mystical amplification

- energy cloack

- safety wall

note: stave crusher are used less often... coz wiz arent made to pvp solo.. so its optional...

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volcano+firebolt combo

stave crush to those who r using GTB.. or maybe box of storm increases its damage

beware of those who are using MAYA card.. u might kill urself..


Hi guys, which card is FBH acronimous?

fallen bishop?

Fallen Bishop Hibram


Knight Set wizard shouldn't use 2 LWeapon because u can't pvp with Knight Set and mob will never use gtb.

And you must use highness staff to stave because Highness staff add 80% stave damage.

High Wizard is a perfect Lone Ranger for pvp

And I proof it already

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