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Nasty Nate

Disable Yggdrasil berries&seeds in PvP rooms.

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Posted (edited)

Just for the heck of it and proving that seeds are needed because of our damage output, I tested it out with a friend, a duel without seeds nor berries, i am using a creator and he is using a sniper. roughly, i had 200k+ hp and i think he had 150-180k(not sure, probably less). first we tested without dueling, i damage him until he dies, he does the same thing to me after and we time it.

1st test run:

I Acid Bombed him until he died, on his reducts I damage 1.4k each hit(gr, shield, and dual raydrics). with the spam rate of acid bomb with 3 kiels, I managed to kill his sniper in more or less 3 seconds. keep in mind that when we tested it without gr(so that i can roughly know how much damage i do if i break his armor) i did 5k each hit.

2nd test run:

he used DS on my creator until i died. with my reducts(usakoring shield+ legendary sgw) he damages me 9.5k each hit of ds. I died within more or less 4 seconds.


so we dueled for the hell of it, without seeds. instead of using my acid bomb now(since i know it would hit less unless i break his armor) i used my bolts. my bolts hit 4-6k each and he died before my hp was down by a half.

I definitely had an advantage. Considering I had more hp and better gear perhaps, not having seeds in a fight gives more disadvantage to newer guys. in fact, i can go cloak(using sinx card) and spam acid bomb and repeat.

Not having seeds will be unfair to melee classes since they had to come close first while ranged classes can damage them before they get even near.

3-5 seconds of pvp is not fun.

Edited by ZerO25

With all those said, your suggestion would really end up " FAIL "

Let's say you landed the 1st asura and the opponent survives.

With no berries or seed? What happen to your champ now? run? Log Out?

+ 1 to Ray


With all those said, your suggestion would really end up " FAIL "

Let's say you landed the 1st asura and the opponent survives.

With no berries or seed? What happen to your champ now? run? Log Out?

+ 1 to Ray

Hahaha thought I'd check up on this just for laughs and you know what? I got what I came for. To the last idiot poster's inquiry, I'll respond with a question: The hell are you doin starting with asura??? Is this what this server's come to? Asura being considered as skillful?? Fuck outta here, learn your class better.

Yep, he's nasty alright. But not nasty enough, getting bored of his posts :\ just random cursing and bad mouthing not even referring to his topic.

Despite your arguments, this is a stupid suggestion and therefore will not be implemented.


Jettison you have a point, what I am saying IS pointless. I just like pointing out the absurdities of the mentality of this server. For example, one asking "WHAT WILL I DO IF MY INSTANT WIN BUTTON DOESN'T WORK?" Maybe they shouldn't be the one in control of such a button, now should they?

Also, I'm not here to entertain you but I guess you assumed that was my goal? Go somewhere else if you're so bored never asked for your 2 and a half cents.


The hell are you doin starting with asura??? Is this what this server's come to? Asura being considered as skillful?? Fuck outta here, learn your class better.

Dude wiith your reaction to my statement maybe your one of the so called " PRO " ,(I wonder if your on BN), so I guess your already aware of how " Asura " is being used and is affected by your suggestion. We all know skills require SP and ASURA rely on SP the most than other skills thats why I came up with it. It's not on being ASURA as skillfull which you means this server is all about. FRO is a fair server, so you if your suggestion would be implement that would greatly affect the balance of skills and classes in this server. Chill out!!


@Nasty Nate I finally see why you want a no berry/seed environment when I killed you with one cast of acid bomb that damaged you 15k each in abyss_02. It's not because you don't want to use berry/seed because of your pride, it's because you can't use them since you die normally within one skill. in a berry/seed environment, you cannot hope to kill someone since you die within one hit and they can heal whatever your small damage is. in an environment without berry/seeds, you can kill them eventually since they cannot heal. it will take you a long time to kill someone though.

calling everyone idiots just because they disagree with your suggestion is what really annoys me. these guys have been here longer than you, put some time and effort to gear up and farm supplies. and yet you have the audacity to call them idiots when you yourself haven't done the same thing they did.

Please, for the love of god, gear up first then try to pvp before you make a suggestion about it.

P.S. this is not a personal attack. I am merely stating a fact that he is not geared, therefore cannot really pvp well in our server. Which means that any kind of suggestion regarding how we pvp that came from him is something he cannot back up with proofs or facts since he himself cannot do pvp.


^That's a THIRD DEGREE BURN there (If you know what I mean) /gg

Jettison you have a point, what I am saying IS pointless.

Well there you have it, you're so pointless that your suggestion is also pointless.

Well ive seen Nasty Nate as a gunslinger. same name. and awesome ant is in my guild. im not sure if he was the same person.


Unfortunately something like what you're suggesting would never work on a high rate environment, especially one like ours. Yggdrasils are just an important part of PvP, but they don't define it. Still, PvPing wouldn't be very fun or challenging at all without them. Others have already made very compelling arguments against doing something like this. In any case, thanks for your suggestion.

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