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Corrupted Wish

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Granted. But waifu is busy on vacation so she wont be here hm *cries a river*

I wish, that everyone's wish comes true :th_wink: :th_kis:

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Granted, but they ate you alive and they didn't realize you were poisoned, so they died again together w/ you.

I wish Champions can wear RoP.

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Granted. You have been given eternal life but in exchange you will be in the shoes of Sparda from the Devil May Cry series.

(aka eternal torture)

I wish for AP Fizz to be nerfed.

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Granted,AP Fizz is now Nerfed but Rito made Teemo unkillable

[N00b, you granted my wish and gave me something better. I main Teemo HU3HU3HU3]


Granted, but they mass reproduced and wiped the human race and Earth itself.

I wish for a cake.

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Granted, but it was made by rat chef

I wish kings chain combo *tekken* was a lot easier to do...... not that good when it comes to arcade games ( TДT)

[franku's cuisine is the best, what are you talking about.]

Granted, but in exchange, he deals no more damage.

I wish to be in Realm 6.2

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​I like boobs

Irrelevant, but...Granted, but you came to realize it was only a figment of your imagination that you liked boobs....and SOOOOO you actually liked something else :P

[franku's cuisine is the best, what are you talking about.]

Granted, but in exchange, he deals no more damage.

I wish to be in Realm 6.2

Granted, but (Im guessing its a game? idk) as you logged on/got into "Realm 6.2" you died and could not go back in...

Wish I had new clothes for this upcoming school year

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You won another token/coin for the crane game, you are on an never-ending loop. Trolololol

I wish to be the best artist (painting,drawing,acting,singing,dancing,writing)!

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you can only swim on boiling water (HAHA ./gg)

I wish to have the power to get 100% chance on getting castle drops ./gg

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You will only be able to guess the bad ones.

I wish to not run out of stamina so I could get work done asap!

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