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Sniper Strip

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Can we seriously do something about Sniper Strip rate? I play SinX on this server and i tend to avoid snipers most of the time due to have fast they're able to strip. I get strip instantly when im near them and depending on what they use its sometime a full strip, but the usual, shield and weapon. I don't have any tokens to buy fcp tickets nor do i have the time to even hunt fcp bottles like i use to. I feel that the only instant strip that a class should get is stalker, because they're seriously under powered, and that is there skill. Sniper dictate too much on what skills i MUST use on myself (fcp) and that should ONLY apply to stalkers. So i suggest to decrease the striping ability on snipers or remove it period.


overall Strip's chance(on every class that is) is based on the user's base dex and the target's base dex + the percentage of the skill level. to be exact, this is eAthena's formula regarding the percentage of strip

[%] = 5 + (2 * Skill Level) + (Dex Difference / 5)

If we are following that formula( i believe we are). then the higher base dex difference, the higher the chance of you being stripped.. ill try to create an example

let us say that as a sinx, you only need a total of 140dex to hit someone(500 hit with phree) so with all the bonuses, ill assume that your base dex is 80. snipers need high dex for their damage, so let us say the sniper's base dex is 290. the strip skill on the bows are if im not mistaken lvl 1 so...

[%] = 5 + (2 * Skill Level) + (Dex Difference / 5)

%= 5+(2 * 1)+ (290-80) / 5

%= 5+ 2 + 42

%= 49% chance to strip,more or less, unless i did my math wrong or the formula is not accurate.

that is the reason why it is so easy to strip critical sinx too(most got 1 dex), that is also the reason why I make my prof, stalker, priest or any class that i use that needs a stripping card to fight have higher dex. i kinda tested on it too, my battle prof got a base dex of 220, he strips easier against sinx or classes that only need a total of 150 dex, then i made my stalker have 300 base dex and tried to strip everyone. i normally strip on that stalker on one hit. i cant strip dex characters that easy though.


they could still use cards. in my view, there is no real way around it but FCP. you know my ign, if im online ill give you FCP if i have bottles for it.

Posted (edited)

Well..Valk Rangris and Whitesmith card use to work very well for sinx, intill they reduce the % chance ONLY to sinx and i think we should do the same with snipers. All im saying is, it shouldn't be a necessity for a class to have such a fast strip chance.

Edited by TensaZangetsu

they did the nerf on the sinx because it is a fixed 10% chance on the cards no matter who you fight and i still use valk and ws on sinx, i see no problem on their chance now.. strip still depends on the enemy's dex. snipers cannot strip fellow snipers, or clowns or even bow stalkers.

i do not use the sniper class to pvp. the snipers are already hindered by the delay implemented by the server(FAS needs 4 kiels now, making them very vulnerable to puppetring). and in most people's viewpoint, FCP is almost always needed when you go pvping, it is already easily countered by that one skill, so for me, no need to nerf it when there is an easy counter.

Posted (edited)

Well from my point of view, the reason im still playing this server intill this day is because of the PvP balance. I mean, we should fight at are true potential, not all this striping and breaking BS and we're gonna encounter problems from time to time, but hindering there strip rate creates no flaw anyways...so i don't see why not. I was using SinX as and example and Same scenario, but different class.

About the delay and what not. If you didn't read the other suggestion, genesis said that he'll do some tweaks to the delay, but nothing huge, so there goes your answer right there.

Edited by TensaZangetsu

sinx has the highest damage potential in game if built right. and stripping and breaking is part of the game. again, FCP is so abundant in the server. my point is, why nerf a class for the reason that you can't beat them on your character? There's no "fight at true potential" in a high rate server. It always comes down to who holds the most yggs and who spams his yggs better. it always was in this server since 2007. It is annoying to buff yourself for every fight, but FCP lasts a long time, I doubt it would take you that long to kill a sniper.

TL;DR Nerfing a class just because you can't beat them on your main is just plain wrong

  • Like 2

^ that's the prime example why this suggestion should not be approved. "My sinx lost to a sniper because of strip, we must nerf that class". Just because you get stripped, doesn't mean that strip for snipers is godly. i would've raged on their ability to wear shields now but I just tried to find ways against it. with that kind of thinking, then we should nerf every class there is then >.< ill start with a list

1. i cant hit ninjas on my sinx, lets nerf their cicada

2. WS breaks my sinx's armor, we should nerf their buffs

3. Profs bolts hurts when i use dual daggers, and their dispel removes my WS buffs, let us nerf them

4. LKs spiral pierce has longer range then my sinx and i cannot hit them, let us nerf the range of spears

5. Creator's acid bomb breaks my armor as well, let us make the skill not break any armor

6. I get comaed by a tarot spam, let us remove coma from tarot

7. i died from a reflect paladin, let us nerf their reflect, i cannot kill them with sinx

8. Champs use blade stop and it annoys my sinx, let us nerf them and remove that skill too

9. oh and their asura hurts me when i dont use a shield, let us nerf asura damage too

again, just because sinx cannot kill a certain class, doesn't mean it is overpowered.

p.s. i hope you get my sarcasm regarding the list. and btw Cyclone, i wonder why you would have any problems against snipers, you usually warps out whenever you get dispelled or stripped anyway.

  • Like 4

^ it always was, long range stripping is bugged. that is why i do not know why they are raging.

Posted (edited)
  On 9/25/2012 at 2:24 AM, 'TensaZangetsu said:

Can we seriously do something about Sniper Strip rate? I play SinX on this server and i tend to avoid snipers most of the time due to have fast they're able to strip. I get strip instantly when im near them and depending on what they use its sometime a full strip, but the usual, shield and weapon. I don't have any tokens to buy fcp tickets nor do i have the time to even hunt fcp bottles like i use to. I feel that the only instant strip that a class should get is stalker, because they're seriously under powered, and that is there skill. Sniper dictate too much on what skills i MUST use on myself (fcp) and that should ONLY apply to stalkers. So i suggest to decrease the striping ability on snipers or remove it period.


- Not our fault you don't got fcper.

- And no, Stalkers arent under powered.

- Remove strip from snipers? Easy.. I'd get all strip cards

So there's no point removing it or decreasing the rate of strip.

  On 9/25/2012 at 9:09 AM, 'masterneil said:

I agree with tenga's suggestion:D

I always got stripped with sniper, fastly


  On 9/25/2012 at 9:29 AM, 'ZerO25 said:

^ that's the prime example why this suggestion should not be approved. "My sinx lost to a sniper because of strip, we must nerf that class". Just because you get stripped, doesn't mean that strip for snipers is godly. i would've raged on their ability to wear shields now but I just tried to find ways against it. with that kind of thinking, then we should nerf every class there is then >.< ill start with a list

1. i cant hit ninjas on my sinx, lets nerf their cicada

2. WS breaks my sinx's armor, we should nerf their buffs

3. Profs bolts hurts when i use dual daggers, and their dispel removes my WS buffs, let us nerf them

4. LKs spiral pierce has longer range then my sinx and i cannot hit them, let us nerf the range of spears

5. Creator's acid bomb breaks my armor as well, let us make the skill not break any armor

6. I get comaed by a tarot spam, let us remove coma from tarot

7. i died from a reflect paladin, let us nerf their reflect, i cannot kill them with sinx

8. Champs use blade stop and it annoys my sinx, let us nerf them and remove that skill too

9. oh and their asura hurts me when i dont use a shield, let us nerf asura damage too

again, just because sinx cannot kill a certain class, doesn't mean it is overpowered.

p.s. i hope you get my sarcasm regarding the list. and btw Cyclone, i wonder why you would have any problems against snipers, you usually warps out whenever you get dispelled or stripped anyway.

Champs have pneuma it annoys my sniper, lets remove pneuma

  On 9/25/2012 at 2:09 PM, '7lovestories said:

the strip of sniper soaring bird only works on closerange..

Edited by Centurion
  • Like 1

You dont have TOKENS to buy FCP tix? Rich people buy them while others farm them u kno? You should go farm them. And plz next time dont suggest to remove stalker full strip cus they always strip you. nuff said. -1.

Posted (edited)

@zero everything you mention in that list, they're ways to counter all of that. I can tell you're unexperience and ill give you the answer, but this topic isnt about that.

@centurion I didnt thought of this suggestion just about me. Like I said before, if you bother to even read the other post. That not everyone has token to by fcp ticket (noobs, new player etc..). Your sarcasm is just plain unecessary, because you're mentioning skills that the class original had compared to something that was given, which they NEVER had before.

@healhard when did I ever suggest to remove stalker strip?

Nevermind not gonna even bother typing to you lol..

Fyi, now one is raging, so calm down kids. Just a suggestion. If you dont like it, just disagree. No need to be a smart ass about it.

Edited by TensaZangetsu
Posted (edited)
  On 9/25/2012 at 6:42 PM, 'TensaZangetsu said:

@centurion I didnt thought of this suggestion just about me. Like I said before, if you bother to even read the other post. That not everyone has token to by fcp ticket (noobs, new player etc..). Your sarcasm is just plain unecessary, because you're mentioning skills that the class original had compared to something that was given, which they NEVER had before.

First of all. No one has tokens/money when you start playing. We've all worked for it, not our fault you wont even bother to get it. And if you don't wanna get stripped, then dont pvp, and start farming

How much are tokens? 30m? How to get money? Farm and sell stuff to NPCs.

How much are FCP Tickets? 1:3? How to get tokens? Buying them from players.

I think it's not that hard to get FCP Tickets, thing is there's lazy people who think people gonna give them free stuff.

Edited by Centurion
Posted (edited)

Ill make it short and simple, and say not every new players like farming all day nor do they have time, because school and work as I mention for the 4th time and we all like to pvp from time to time, new player or not. If new players had to farm all day just to compete with people like you, this server would of been dead... Oh wait lol.......

Easy for you to say since you already have everything. If you seen the economy market, you notice how no one sell or buy anymore. Don't even get me started about things people gave you bro and I work for my stuff so I hope that comment isnt for me.

@cool girl lol I have more then enough tokens to buy fcp ticket, but it isnt about that lol...

Edited by TensaZangetsu
Posted (edited)
  On 9/25/2012 at 7:35 PM, 'TensaZangetsu said:

@cool girl lol I have more then enough tokens to buy fcp ticket, but it isnt about that lol...

  On 9/25/2012 at 2:24 AM, 'TensaZangetsu said:

I don't have any tokens to buy fcp tickets nor do i have the time to even hunt fcp bottles like i use to.


Edited by Centurion
Posted (edited)

Suppose to get and item from a friend that went unactive, but I really dont need explain anything to you and keep your comment to yourself, cause obviously you dont know. If you dont have anything to say about the topic, just dont type anything.

Edited by TensaZangetsu

lol @centurions post, he got you TensaZangetsu, anyways on topic...

I see your point on snipers originally not having the strip skills and because of this maybe i'll agree on just reducing the chance of the skill, not complete removal and the reason that i disagree on complete removal was already stated by the people that posted here.

-FCP, FCP, FCP. If you know you're going into pvp shouldn't you prepare? Say you already got killed by the sniper because you lost your gears (strip), would you go back and fight that sniper again without learning your lesson from the last fight (which is to have fcp).

-If I was that sniper that killed you in that manner, the next time we fight (maybe right after you died, came back again for more) i'll definitely try to do it again since it worked the last time, which i learned from our last fight. Major advantage for me.

Unless you actually tell your opponent first to not use strip skill and to "fight at our true potential" (lol i'd like to see if this works) then the only way is to have fcp like any prepared pvp player does.


I actually make my own FCP bottles per day(THERE WAS A CARD FOR THAT?!), i make about at least 100 whenever I am online and since I am pissed at the legendary weapons quest, i got nothing else to do besides that, farming zeny and hunting mvps.

you mentioned you have tokens for FCP bottles, then maybe it is the laziness of rebuffing yourself? i kinda understand that, I used to main SB Sinx and had to rebuff every few mins. So if that is the case, you know my ign, i am almost always at for_fild01 when i got nothing to do. just pm me and ill give you fcp if you need it.



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