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Gm Fan Club<3

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Noir recently returned ! you should see around now ! Better use good stalking skills though ! Noir's evil ! ;D


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I'm...concerned. D:

Dont be no no no you cant be....i must steal you!...i mean give you candy?

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Yush this is GM Hunting Season, so its the time of day where we hunt for GMs

Even though there are many methods to hunt them, I recommend my choices

And for celestial, you must have a box, stick, string, and apple

So when Ryuk goes for the apple under the box pull the string which pulls the stick then you capture a Ryuk :3

And wish you must be concerned, cuz you on the list >:)

Amicable you can join :D

If I'm not online to add you go look for someone in the guild to add you :p

And celestial read the messages I sent ya and reply :3

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D: I'm sorry, sir! I'll ang around more tomorrow, got quite busy today! And, I rarely see you too :(

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D: I'm sorry, sir! I'll ang around more tomorrow, got quite busy today! And, I rarely see you too :(

Its because are schedulers dont meet up.

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That's why you pm her ;3

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XD it's ok u'll learn to be a knowledgable persawn in fro when you study it and your gm :3

But I mite not do trivia next week cuz of hurricane Sandy and I mite not have any power :(

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Not co leader but co leaders with the s :3

Just 3 people will win :D

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XD it's ok u'll learn to be a knowledgable persawn in fro when you study it and your gm :3

But I mite not do trivia next week cuz of hurricane Sandy and I mite not have any power :(

im right up there with you :) up in the north east da da dum!

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Sure if there any room cuz there this guy named MiamiStalker who started randomly adding random people, but we don't know if the people he added are scammers, non fans of GMs, or fans of GMs

Idk but Idk if I should kick him from the co captain elections or let him stay or expell him

Since no one is telling me who they are adding and if there are supporter of the GMs, I'm the official inviter until we get co captains.

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I will make a sub guild and btw thepast what's with the second stamp xD

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