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Gm Fan Club<3

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Thanks to fan member Pillow for the creation of the guild emblem, you can now see it by the people in the guild/club or by looking at the woe castle flags (if we ever break a castle :p) hope you guys like the creation of Pillow c:!!!!

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We can try, but am not promising that we will :p

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Lol no worries, I rather be in a fun guild than a WoEing one anyway(main reason i am still poor after all these years). and i hate breaking, it's more fun defending castles or just killing off people

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Yush maybe we should make the whole club/guild only chibi and steal castle XD that's a great idea

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Yush we should advertise the gm fan club nationwide maybe everyone would join like commercial on TV :D as well for the game :p

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^Would you like to join, Coffee? :3

I'm usually on after WoE 2.0, Frid Euro and Sat Amer. :)


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Soon =w= hmmmmmm........ Okay buddeh ill be waiting :3

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Hi. I'd like to join. My favorite GM is GM Genesis. He's the best. Can I has invite to guild pls? :3

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sure just tell me what time your usually on and time zone so I can add you :3

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Attention everyone in the GM fan club we have reach more than 30 people in the club yay :D

So now I wanna make a schedule so I can take a pic of everyone in the fan club :3

Btw I'm a recalling about hmm... (Decision to fan club) about 2~3 co captains for the guild to help out b/c I'm usually busy..and so we can woe or gvg for fun :3

And choosing the co captains will be a debated with all the fan members or ( optional ) people from outside the guild. Also the GMs can choose as well :p

Also remember to support our fellow GMs and have Phun :D!!!!

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I'm so not stalking this topic right now o.o

Yush maybe we should make the whole club/guild only chibi and steal castle XD that's a great idea

I vouch for chibi power. Edited by Bishop
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Sure you aren't =w= even though it says your always on this topic like 24/7 reading everything what we all write ;3 lol jk jk but Ty Bishop for at least posting on the Fan Club recruitment page which means you do care for us * w * <3 and yes chibi power all the way :D btw we might be all chibis for gvg lol :3!!!!

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XD my bad it was 23/7 cuz the 1hour is just sleep and eating :3 and go the retaliation of the chibis >:3 btw I love your kitty's signature and pic they're soooooo cute <3 :D

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Definitely :) you explained it fairly well. And thank you ! I've been around too long without an avatar and signature so I thought I'd put something random yet cute to fill up the emptyness.
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Np...btw I miss ya I wanna see ya ingame Q.Q

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Can someone disguise us as switch? then we woe!

ummmm.... Disguise as switch?..... You mean like spying and infilterating xD?...tell me how that'll work out :3?
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Dear members we need to take a picture with the gms we need a schedule at a certain time to take picture plz write below to a response...

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