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Gm Fan Club<3

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Tamm is learning from the best ;3

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Let force her to become Verazilla :D so she can stomp and munch on people :P

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Nuh uh that'll be a fun event game, run away from verazilla till she stomps or eat ya :3

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What happened to vera D:!?

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Why isn't she very well D:? Is she sick? Car crash? Broken toe? Or she misses me :(?

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Yay vera is better :D!!!!! Now that your better its time to stalk ya *^*

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Sure we can add ya = w =

Hope you have fun in the guild when you join :P

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Sure you can join :P

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Well ima poke you before you poke me :P

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We the fan club would like to say Happy Birthday GM Genesis and hope you have great bday , also we thank you for everything you've done in helping everyone and making this server awsome, so again Happy Birthday :D!!!!!

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Sure you can join and a Happy New Year :3

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