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Infernal Capes

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Well i was thinking, about this Capes, its kinda bad to donate for an item that will work only for one class and, the price is kinda high. So i was thinkin that maybe if they add some sort of exchanger NPC to change the cape for the jobs, it'd be awesome. Or make them like scarves.


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While this is a valid point, I'd like to bring another issue to light. Much like Dex belts/Valkyrie Weapons You wouldn't expect them to have a trader NPC. This is because it would hurt the value of each individual cape ingame. Certain classes (i.e. sinx, champ, gypsy, clown) will be in high demand while others like taekwon/soul linker will not. I considered doing this but decided against it because it would destabilize the price for them.

Posted (edited)

In my opinion it wont destablize the price but doing the oppsite. In the way it is now some class capes wont bought other will be alot. So thoose which are there often will drop in price as long as the offer lasts and may also after it. The class capes which actually wont be bought will be if needed really expensive. And there we come to the point the exchange npc will stabilze the price because when the balance of classes change for example soullinker or stargladiator becomes really playable their capes will be suddenly more worth then thana (maybe a little less because there are alternatives). So in the end I think an exchange npc just will result into stabilzation of price because it is no more combound to the class balance. Furthermore I think more people will decide to donate for it because its usefull for all classes but not just for the one you decide which makes people not donate for it. And also if you say you was going to make it one item its just the same with the exchange npc. If you decide now to do it wont harm anyone because noone has it yet. And you cant compare it to belts or valk weapons because they are almost doing the simular thing to every class in a way and you actually can use more then 1 type of belts on a class and about the weapon it is clear that you cant exchange them because weapons always should be class specific and you can donate them always. So I agree to the sugesstion.

Edited by Amarys
Posted (edited)

Also Gen, cant compare with weapons because, they are pretty necessary to the job, in this Cape case, they are not must have for classes, they are just extras, while the Valk weps, are needed in order to be decent in PvP these days. Cept for a few classes. So making this Cape Job exclusive will make it less attractive and people wont actually get it just because of the fact that if they get one, its only for a job and they are not that great, awesome thing would be that, you can exchange them for another job or make them universal.

Edited by Dudu

I'd have to agree.. the price is too much for a class specific item. Maybe they could be changed to like category of classes in one cape. Like arrow users (stalker/sniper/clown/gypsy) magic/int users (prof/wiz/priest/creator) strength users (LK,sinx,ws, champ) "other" classes (GS/Ninja/Star Gladiator/Soul Linker) Idk where pally would fit in here..

I was trying to keep it even at 4 classes each, just an idea.

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@sessions: Pally would go where ever you group LK.

I have to agree with them being a bit too pricy for their effect. The only ones I see being useful are Prof/Stalker/Creator/Whitesmith.

Even then they serve as novelty items. They're not a "must get" like balloons are, or as rucksacks were before them.


Ive seen 2 people that have the capes so far. N i think having a trader NPC wont hurt them, but on the other hand, it will benefit them. Why? Because they can finally use them for other classes too.

I wanted to donate for a cape, but the problem was, as mentioned, i wont be able to wear it with another class :-/


I'm a bit reluctant to add this NPC. Apart from what I have stated. There are 18 capes, I would need to code each and every possibility. That's 18 x 18 = 324 possibilities. As you can imagine, quite a lot of work. It would probably end up taking up being at least a couple hundred lines long.

PS: Xtopher, I would consider buffing the effects, you guys (people who play) would know what is needed more than a handful of people would. Feel free to make a new topic. I would add the new effects (if they were agreed to) today or tomorrow.


I can't make a new topic about it since I'm at work typing on my iPhone, but if the effects were tweaked, I might consider getting a couple if they were worth it.

You can start by taking the +80 hit off classes that don't even use Phreeoni to begin with and give it to those who use it, so they can take phree off their weapon.

Can't wait to review the new topic!


I think that effects can be changed later and at the moment we really need to make them universal, as their cost far too high for class specific item ,as it was already mentioned. Considering coding, id suggest to make it this way: one NPC consumes a cape from the player (you need to list 18 capes here) and gives him out SMTH(idk new item). Another NPC exchanges this very item to another cape(again, 18 variants, pretty much like copy-paste from prev NPC but reverse effect). 36 totall?

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Yes the current price with the current effect being class-specific is much too high.

However, if the effects were to be buffed and tweaked, I could see myself spending the money to purchase one or two class specific ones if they were game-changing items.

  On 11/22/2011 at 1:22 PM, 'Kittie said:

Yes the current price with the current effect being class-specific is much too high.

However, if the effects were to be buffed and tweaked, I could see myself spending the money to purchase one or two class specific ones if they were game-changing items.

It has to be more than just you kittie.... no offense but you donate for almost everything. It has to be something everyone would want.


how about NPC recolor for the Capes? :D so that it would look better and it would match the color paletes? :)

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True, the price is high for some of these capes, something that is just an alternative to sacred wings/balloons/rucks for some classes, I agree to make it more universal, this won't destabilize the capes... for now, but in the long run, the prices of capes will definitely go down fast(maybe this is unavoidable, happens to most items) because you can get a different cape as long as you have 1, the demand will decrease.

Being able to trade a cape for a different cape would make the prices of all the capes the same(somewhat) since you can trade them via npc, which also means all the capes prices will go down the same if it happens(prices going up won't be an issue yet, an item like this cape will only go down in price eventually) or something like that, not sure if i explained it good enough.

Buffing the capes would definitely make it more appealing, but yeah it, would it be available for everyone? Still no, it's price would probably go up, demand for it would go up.

So I'll have to agree with Sessions idea, capes for certain classes (4 class for each cape etc..). This way not all the capes will go down in price(hopefully), and having a single cape would be useful for more than 1 class, if not all classes.


I had a crazy thought back then when it was released. Unfortunately I have never talked about it: Making 3 diff. types of them: Attack Based, MATK based & HP Based. So, every class can wear it, but for different purposes.

E.g. A Sinx would merely use Atk Cape, a Stalker could variate between MATK, Atk or even HP Cape (if it's a HP Stalker for Sacrifice). Profs for example would use MATK Capes. But yet you wil lmost likely donate/get 2-3 capes to cover all your needs.

  On 4/9/2012 at 9:37 PM, 'Levis said:

I had a crazy thought back then when it was released. Unfortunately I have never talked about it: Making 3 diff. types of them: Attack Based, MATK based & HP Based. So, every class can wear it, but for different purposes.

E.g. A Sinx would merely use Atk Cape, a Stalker could variate between MATK, Atk or even HP Cape (if it's a HP Stalker for Sacrifice). Profs for example would use MATK Capes. But yet you wil lmost likely donate/get 2-3 capes to cover all your needs.

Sounds expensive...


Cheaper than buying for every class or for at least 3 jobs...

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