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Third Classes + Fro = Total Chaos

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About the Topic um its kind of a report on my test lol, I run My own server with similar specs to Fro and Third classes used to be available in its majority... the result:

Mayhem.... no matter where you search, even mvps turn to plushies... and hammering the skills doesn't seem to help much, the code on itself its very messy on third skills, not to mention that once the skills are Out everyone will cry and jump out of the first building they find If you try and Nerf them.

In short, FRO should avoid placing third skills anywhere soon, but upgrading to Encounter with the unknown shouldn't hurt....

For now I will keep trying to create balance but it doesn't seem possible :(

Anyone any suggestions to balance third classes?

Edited by Soulworld

I actually agree with this as I have experienced the third job skills as well, Not on a server environment like this one but I can already see where this is coming from. I personally haven't looked at any of the codes yet but from what I've seen in-game explained to me that I also think we should avoid these. At least for a very very long time, until things get balanced out according to our rates and until everything is released by eAthena.

  Ryuk said:
I actually agree with this as I have experienced the third job skills as well, Not on a server environment like this one but I can already see where this is coming from. I personally haven't looked at any of the codes yet but from what I've seen in-game explained to me that I also think we should avoid these. At least for a very very long time, until things get balanced out according to our rates and until everything is released by eAthena.

Yeah, exactly. That's what the admins have been saying for awhile, and why suggestions to add the third classes are rejected.

I agree with this as well. Although there isn't much point in discussing how to balance them, since it is going to be a long time before they are implemented, if they ever are.


Third Classes with our donation items= me not going to pvp anymore :))


I agree. I really don't think this server will ever have those classes.

I mean, we already have a difficult time finding balance between classes that have existed for years. It's no simple task.


I'm perfectly fine with having just 3rd class sprites hah. No need for the 3rd classes themselves if they're that ridiculously overpowered. No need to put stress on our GM's trying to balance the classes, it's bad enough right now as it is. The new weapons released DO help though.

no exactly a time line since for Gravity they are already on-going in the renewal system, the problem is on eathena/aegis developers who usually take a lot longer to crack the optimal configuration for the skills, eathena is supposed to have a release date for Sura (at last) on The first week of September.

3rd job is really.. OP if it was to be played on a high/mid rate server like ours. We try to make the server as balance as possible, so don't worry so much about 3rd class jobs be put in this server anytime soon.


Id like to see a test server made tho with all our files and stuff tho but with 3rd classes so we could see how insane it would be XD.


3rd jobs are suck for now but after 10 yrs maybe not.. i have played a server with 3rd job which is warlock earth strain damage is like 100k above = instant death.. minimum hp in the server is like 400k with full vit on gx lol


lets stick to 2nd jobs only.. thats the reason why i played here lol :)

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