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1Lord Wind1


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We Sent emails and we got the transaction codes and everything and we got the replies, but how come we dont have our donations?Why is it taking so long like it was okay waiting a week but come one three weeks is going way farther then one.We donated 2mondays ago and still didnt get our stuff. its sunday about to be monday its one day away from 3 weeks


I think you should re-send in the amount you donate and the stuff you want.


Wow, that's a long to be waiting... I hope you get your stuff :P


My brother said check the ticket he said he has proof he sent it to you he got a email back from you saying the things he donated for and everything


man i waited one week for my donations and they threw in an extra 50 qpons :D


Strange, all donations that were due are done. Sorry for the delay, we've been working on alot of things. Donations should proceed as they did before now.

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