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New in Forsaken (About GMS)

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Hi everyone

its my 4th day here. So far i have some friends now. Last night me and my friend on a plublic chatroom suddenly a gm entered and his name was [GM]Zeitgeist.

We just say hello to him and he said that he will give us items. He ask for our accountid and password. My friend gave his accountid and password. While mine i dont give it.

Then gm named [GM]Zeitgeist threatened me that he will banned me for not giving my account and password. Then i said go on and banned me. Then he ask me if i dont trust him. Then i said back no i dont. :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

Anyway my friends char name is Suppression. I was excited now to go home and check if i was banned. :laugh: :laugh:

Hehehe Do gms really do that on the game?

See you guys.

You should've took screen shots and filed a ticket >:( here.

LOL what is a ticket? actually ive taken screenshot but i didnt screenshot the whole message cause i was concern also to my friend that time. ill check later the screen shot when i got home :)


GMs never ask for account info. The one you met was a fake. try to see the name of the GMs. If it is not colored yellow there is a chance it isn't a GM


there are ways to do that though like putting space or any other things that make the name GM get through. and since he is a newbie he won't notice it. still, hover your cursor to his character and if it isnt colored yellow he isnt a gm.


A ticket is like a post :D just we call it a ticket here for idk why :]

there are ways to do that though like putting space or any other things that make the name GM get through. and since he is a newbie he won't notice it. still, hover your cursor to his character and if it isnt colored yellow he isnt a gm.

._. that isn't entirely true :( when the new GM's were recruited and started doing their work. Their names weren't yellow until the patch.

._. that isn't entirely true :( when the new GM's were recruited and started doing their work. Their names weren't yellow until the patch.

It's an old scam already, people will just write something random, add spaces and then fake a GM speaking. This method only works for the default size of a chat window, so if you want to avoid getting scammed, rezising your chat window gives you a clear view on who's trying to cheat on you.

They tend to do this:

somename: Hi GM(Spacebar)(Spacebar)(Spacebar)(Spacebar)(Spacebar)(Spacebar)[GM]Zeitgeist: Hi!

And on your chat window, you get:

somename: Hi GM

[GM]Zeitgeist: Hi!

Note that if we enter anybody's chatroom, our names will be displayed on the list of players in the chatroom. So if you see us "speaking in your chatroom" but our names don't appear in the player list, it's obviously a fake.

Next time, screenshot when this happens to you and notify a GM via @request or file a ticket here. It's the same as making a new topic on the forums. Upload your screenshots and we'll solve the case.

We'll also look into your friend's login history to see if we can find this scammer.


Forsaken got the nicest GMs in all of the RO servers. XD(Hoping I will get 2101749540262846 coupons for praising all the GMs lol jk)

Forsaken got the nicest GMs in all of the RO servers. XD(Hoping I will get 2101749540262846 coupons for praising all the GMs lol jk)

LOL Zero

u rly hope so?





K. Enough.

He was answered already.

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