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Euro WoE...

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I smell a re-vote coming soon!

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Death.... , for you euro starts at 2:00 , right on time. For me it starts at 3:00 , time school ends and i need to make a 40 min trip home. I only get about 20-15 of euro every week :(.

And i voted for sunday , and i still would like sunday

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Re-vote the time, but not the day I agree. Everything will be mess up if Euro will be on Sundays. Asians will WoE two times in a day o_O.

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ITS EUROPEAN WOE SO WHO CARES IF AMERICANS CANT DO IT? FUCK IT we cant do american woe and who cares? NOBODY so only european players should write sth if they want change sth.

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ITS EUROPEAN WOE SO WHO CARES IF AMERICANS CANT DO IT? FUCK IT we cant do american woe and who cares? NOBODY so only european players should write sth if they want change sth.

Relax. Nobody said about votes aren't being issued without American voters. We're discussing the option of a re-vote if it proves to be too uncomfortable for Euro WOE players.

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I don't understand, do you people not read? For the love of god, read carefully.

Everybody could vote. And we all did. And it's friday. Deal with it.

It's quite funny you're the one saying we don't read carefully, but I'm not here to bitch at you so I'll leave that as it is.

PS. Also, are you saying just because you're new and didn't get to vote, you deserve a vote? No, sir. What if we did that to every new person? My god, we would have everything changed once a week.

Obviously with a bit of common sense you could know there wouldn't be things changed every week because the aspect of an vote is that THE MAJORITY wins. Not every new player can change something or call for an vote. But it's obviously the MAJORITY wants an re-vote, then an re-vote should be done. This idea of an re-vote wouldn't have been here if it wasn't for the majority to want it, it would've been closed by now. Meaning it takes a lot more than one new person to get something changed in an server like this one. And as stated before in this topic, a LOT of people have joined by now that want to vote too, it's not about an individual it's about quite a big group that is not able to WoE properly because people that do not live in Europe have decided the WoE times for Euro WoE for their own good.



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Euro WoE was originally designated Eurasian WoE when the discussion thread was open to discuss it. Then it magically became exclusively Euro WoE. It actually is meant for Europeans AND Asians. The WoE time was made for that purpose, to convene for the largest population possible.

I'll parrot it again: WoE and GvG times will never be convenient for the entire population.


OMG ya....... just so happens the WoE was decided by people in Asia and Europeans whose times are good with 10am server time omg111!!!!!!!! A big group can also Euro WoE because of the time. Apparently so, they're bigger than the group who can't. Actually at 10pm (GMT+8, ASIA LOL) some can't even play "Euro" WoE because it's too "late" for them.

So yeah. The times will NEVER be convenient for the entire population. Unless we do what Leni says and have WoE for an hour everytime we log on!! jajajajja

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iHunt , what do you care ? You quit

and i still agree with re-vote

I quit? Enlighten me... please.

Obviously with a bit of common sense you could know there wouldn't be things changed every week because the aspect of an vote is that THE MAJORITY wins. Not every new player can change something or call for an vote. But it's obviously the MAJORITY wants an re-vote, then an re-vote should be done. This idea of an re-vote wouldn't have been here if it wasn't for the majority to want it, it would've been closed by now. Meaning it takes a lot more than one new person to get something changed in an server like this one. And as stated before in this topic, a LOT of people have joined by now that want to vote too, it's not about an individual it's about quite a big group that is not able to WoE properly because people that do not live in Europe have decided the WoE times for Euro WoE for their own good.



The European WoE wasn't decided on 2 years ago. It is fairly new to this server. So I stick by my words and say that polls shouldn't be re-opened for new people. Especially recent polls. "A LOT" of people might've joined, but I still see the SAME people discussing this. Moreover, these exact people were here long before Euro WoE was implemented. And funny thing about it - all of them are from UK. Like you all said already this is European WoE; and it is not UK WoE.

Oh and FYI, topics don't get closed unless they reach ridiculous amount of spam a.k.a drama. I think the fact that no GM answered this topic yet (as in, regarding the topic), speaks for itself.

And yes, Europeans DID decide the day and the time. Friday won. D.E.A.L.W.I.T.H.I.T. or like Tim Gunn says: "Make it work".

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"A LOT" of people might've joined, but I still see the SAME people discussing this.

I'm wondering. If these would be the same people discussing it before then how come these times rolled out ? I mean it's obvious the majority in this topic wants the times to be changed or doesn't care if it changes to sunday (Which would be better for the real Europeans) I'm wondering how the majority could think this way if these were the people that decided the whole WoE schedule, wouldn't they vote for what they want right from the start ? If these were the same people that discussed it before these times wouldn't have rolled out. So there are obviously other people included this time.

I'm also wondering about what you have against an vote. What is your reason for not wanting it ? I really see no reason in what you've told me so far other than "then we'll have votes every week" which of course is untrue. So please enlighten your reasoning why you are so much against an vote and I might understand your point of view better than right now o.o.



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