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easy build.

GS set w/ gun

1 incant, 2 tgens, 1 skel worker

2 fbhs

2-3 kiels, 1 maya p

1 sinx, 1 hollow ring

2 OL/ GR, Tao/ ED, puppetring, bathory/ GR on an unbreakable armor vs creators.

300 dex, 195 atkspeed, 500-1000 sp (on your preference), rest on vit. GS do not have high hp, never seen one survive asura champs so no point trying to get hp to survive. Kill them before they kill you <3 (or switch armor to reflect)

yep pretty basic build



I don't know. :blink: :huh:


how many characters do you wanna make?

Just stick with one character.

And practice,practice and more practice.

If you want to become a good player just do what i said.

Good Luck then. :wub:


Yeah like me... :tongue:

I tried a lot of job.

but finally i got my destiny. :thumbsup_still:

I stick with my one character only.

Yeah!. :wub:


hmm... well you should have one main, but don't stick to it. Your main couldn't do what other characters do. you would need a wizard for farming, priests for collecting poison bottles, GS for fun, professor for summoning mvp or plain pvping(professors are strong), paladins if you don't want to die, sinx for killing somebody, champs for mvping, soul linker for buffs, creators for fcp, ninja to piss off some sinx, sniper for WoE and traps, WS is also great for pvping, taekwon if you want something different, and LKs for all around. (did I list all the jobs, I think I missed one or two)


yeah what calintz1218 said is right.

Just if you want to be a good player versus player just practice more.


And don't forget to vote Forsaken-ro every 12 hours.

Have Fun and Enjoy Your Life. :wub:

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